District 1 - Male *DEAD*

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Name: Jasper Vaz-Merille

Age: 18

Gender: male

District: 1

Appearance: tall and muscled and blond, his hair is just long enough to be floppy and he has sharp grey eyes. He looks a lot older than 18. He even lets a bit of stubble grow out on his chin to make himself look older.

Personality: he's quite extroverted and exuberant. He's very loud and cheerful and assumes that everyone is happy to see him. But, of course, because he's been training and stuff, he's quite ready and prepared to kill, and he'd probably make a quip or something as he was doing it. He's not exactly intelligent and never makes plans; he just likes to go with the flow. He sees planning a strategy as a form of cheating.

District Token: a solid silver ring with his name inscribed on the inside in his own handwriting. He did it one day when he got bored, and it's got a massive jasper stone embedded in the front. It's so heavy that the Gamemakers nearly refused to let it in, thinking it could be a weapon.

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