District 11 - Female

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Name: Gemini Conireed

Age: 14

Gender: Female

District: 11

Appearance: Dirty blond hair, bright green eyes, some say she belongs in one. Stick thin, so that you can see her ribs and has no muscle so looks very weak. She refuses to eat the Capitol food and "fatten up" before the games. She'd rather stay scrawny, because it will give her some advantages. She has reasonably tanned skin, despite working in the sun all day. She is very small and underfed, being one of the smallest in her class at school.

Personality: Intelligent, she knows things like the bloodbath is a bad idea and only ally with those you truly trust. She's also shy, so she hides away a lot and is afraid to show any real skill she has in fear of being laughed at. She's sweet, caring and loyal but will burn up quickly if underestimated. Usually she's as gold as gold but she has a few violent tendencies such as lashing out by biting or kicking if anyone takes her by surprise. In the heat of the moment she wont think before she does things so will end up being violent and feeling guilty about them afterwards.

District Token: A charm bracelet with all the different astrology symbols as names. She's always been interested in astrology since she first learnt about it because it connected with her name.

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