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The weekend arrived, I was excited and nervous as I would for the first time be involved in the meet and greet. I was going to be selling merchandise t-shirts, jumpers, hats, pens, key rings, poster you name it it was there.

The boys were pretty pumped on the plane to Sydney, they were actually quite loud on the plane, and I think some of the other passengers were a little annoyed. Anyway I joined in with the singing and so did some of the other passengers. It was funny watching people join in it made me laugh anyway.

When we got to Sydney we only had 4 hours to the meet and greet. We went to the hotel and drop our luggage off there. What I didn't know before hand was it was only Beau and I staying the night in Sydney. Jai, Luke, James and Skip were all heading back to Melbourne tonight. What did he have planned?

While the boys basically fought over the contents of the complementary snacks sitting on the bench I went to ask Gina what exactly would be happening this afternoon. "well you will come with me, we will leave in an hour or so, we have to set up the items and start selling before they get there. The boys will be escorted by security to the venue." I nodded it seemed well planned out, better than the Melbourne one. I went back to find Beau, I walked in the room to find them doing shots well sugar shots. I gave them a look, you know the one eyebrow raise anyway Beau just said "what they are free" I rolled my eyes. Boys could be immature at times.

I left with Gina to go to the Venue, we got there about 2 hours before the boys were due, there were girls everywhere. We had tables set up just inside the building, there were boxes stacked on the floor, heaps of them. I opened one up they were t-shirts I unpacked them on the table and arrange them according to size and colour. I did the same with the jumpers. Over the other side were posters, pens and key rings. There was so much stuff, we had to put some of it back in the boxes so we had enough room for everything. I took us an hour and a half to set up. Security then opened the doors to let the fans in. They only let a few in at a time and then cleared them to line up inside. Then they arrived, the girls screamed. Security was everywhere keeping them in line. It all happened very quickly from then on in. It just flowed as the line inside moved more fans were let in and so on.

Not many fans recognised who I was, that was probably due to the fact Beau and I rarely are in public together, we tend to stay at home, now that I think of it we have only really been out when I'm at uni and not many pick it up, so I haven't had much Internet exposer to the Janoskian fan base.

When the event finished the boys were taken of the stage and driven back to the hotel. Gina and I had to pack any remaining items into boxes to be put back on the plane and taken home. There wasn't much left though, so it didn't take long to pack up. We got back to the hotel where they boys were doing a vid for their blog channel. I walked in the room and Beau winked at me. "oh and here she is" Beau said. I was puzzled. "Lucie come here" I walked towards them and sat behind them, Beau continued to talk. "this is my beautiful girlfriend Lucie, you may have seen her today if you were at the meet and greet, she may have even sold you something" he kissed me on the cheek. "hey" I said not knowing what to say. The boys continued to talk and I just sat there. They eventually finished.

Luke, Jai, James and Skip all had to get to the airport to catch the plane. It felt sort of weird being left with just Beau and a hotel in a foreign city. "soooooo" I said "what are we doing?" "well..." beau said wrapping his arms around my waist. "I thought we could go to a Chinese place an get all you can eat?" "yum Chinese!" I replied I hated going to a fancy restraint where you have to eat delicately and dress up, I would much rather go the pub and get a meal and have a few drinks, much more enjoyable.

Beau and I walked to this cute little Chinese place just down from the hotel. They took us to our seats. Beau had obviously organised this to be set up, on our table were those cute little coloured lanterns that have fairy lights in them, there were also flowers on the table. It was very cute. We sat down and a waiter took our order. While we were waiting we talked. I could see he was fidgeting a lot but I couldn't work out why. "Lucie I have something to tell you" I felt sick I had no idea what he was going to say it could be bad hopefully not though. "I need to make you a promise, a promise that I will be there for you in the bad times and enjoy the good times with you" I was a little confused "so I want to give you this." he pulled out a chain with a ring on it put of his pocket. "it is a promise ring" I didn't know what to say I just leapt at him an gave him a hug "Beau I don't know what to say" "you don't have to say anything" he smiled and put the necklace on me.

This had been an amazing night.

The night I wish I rememberedWhere stories live. Discover now