Battered and Bruised

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I explained what I knew to Luke and Jai as we drove to the hospital.

We arrived and got out and walked to reception to see where he was. The directed us to the emergency wing, they said they would have the full details of his condition and what had happened.

We made out way to the emergency wing and asked one of the nurses where he was. He was in room 15. Luke, Jai and I made out way to the room. I was worried about his condition what he would look like, would he be bruised and scratched. I didn't really want to see him like that.

Jai and Luke walked in first I lagged behind. As I approached Beau my eyes began to water, I don't know why they just did. He was just laying there limp he had a few cuts and grazes on his face but other wise there were no more injures I could see.

A nurse walked in, "hi" she greeted us "are you guys friends of Beau here?" Luke jumped in and replied before I could "umm me and him are his brothers and she is his girlfriend" "oh ok" she continued with her checks making sure his heart rate was normal and all the other stuff. "excuse me" I heard myself say "what are his injures exactly? No one has actually informed us" " oh" she said "hasn't the doctor or one of the senior nurses been in?" "no" I replied "oh ok I will go grab someone who knows a bit more" she disappeared out the door and returned a few minutes later with and older looking man.

"Hello" he greeted us, "I hear you are family and friends of Beau?" we all nodded "good good" he said. "now Beau here was in an accident this morning, he was rear ended by another car, he has concussion, and a few scratches and bruises on his body but other wise no other injures have been found" I was relieved when he told us this and by the looks of it Jai and Luke looked relieved too.

"when should he wake" Jai asked "we are not sure, it his hard to determine actually how hard he hit his head we are monitoring him 24/7 just in case it is worse than we anticipated. If we could get your details and check that Beau's  are correct and we will keep you updated as to if anything happens while you are not here. " We filled out a form each well Jai and Luke filled out one together, and gave it to the doctor.

I walked over to Beau while Jai and Luke were checking Beau's details. I grabbed his hand  and squeezed it praying that everything would be ok, I kissed him on the head. I gave his hand one more squeeze and let go. I walked back to the boys and told the doctor we would be back tomorrow and we would bring some clothes for Beau and anything else that may be needed.

We left the hospital even though it would be nice to stay with Beau but there is nothing we could really do.

I drove the boys back to their place and I went inside to grab my stuff. Beau's room felt so empty without him. I couldn't stay in there much longer. I left but not before filling Gina in on everything. She said she would get some stuff together and she would pick me up before going to the hospital tomorrow. She thanked me for going today.

I got in my car and drove home.

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