Kiss and Make-Up

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I got home and packed items into my suitcase. I had the feeling I was always forgetting something. I searched all through the house to double check I had everything. I found everything so i must. I cleaned my room in the process. I said bye to mum and dad and packed the car. Back to the Brooks' I go. I picked up a roast chicken and some chips on the way over for tea.

I walked in the door. I could hear yelling. I could hear Beau's voice, oh please no don't let the other voice be Jai's. I walked towards the yelling and sure enough it was. They both turned and looked at me. I must have had a hurt look on my face cause Beau had a look of sorry on his face. I knew then exactly what they were fighting about. "Beau I told you not to say anything!" I screamed without thinking. I ran down the hall to where Luke was and I slammed the door. "Beau said something to Jai didn't he?" I didn't need to reply I pretty sure my face said it all. I burst into tears, I actually don't know why, I wasn't sad I was just angry. Angry that beau had said anything, angry that Jai had even done it in the first place. I guess nothing is ever perfect.

I sat on Luke's bed, he moved closer and hugged me, he looked a bit pissed off too. My phone vibrated it was Beau- I'm sorry :( please come out of there <3- I just ignored it. Luke stood up "I'll be back" he left the room. I knew what he was doing, he was going to talk to Beau. I just sat there, I could hear them talking but not enough to make out what they were saying.

Luke returned with Beau behind him. Anger swept through my body like a tsunami. Luke made Beau sit near me, and then he stood up in front of us kind of what the principal did in his office at high school if you were caught making out with someone in the toilet. "you two need to make up, I'm not saying it is a stupid thing to fight over but it could be worse. Beau you could have found this out from someone else other than Lucie or she could have actually left you for Jai." I looked at Luke in disgust "not that she would ever do that" he added, he then left the room. I looked at Beau and he looked at me "I'm sorry Luc, I just got angry at Jai, cause this isn't the first time he has done this to me or not to add to Luke" I was confused "what do you mean?" "Jai tends to fall for our girlfriends, and some of Luke's have left him for Jai" I was shocked, he doesn't fit the profile as a girlfriend stealer. Those guy are usually the smooth sleazy type, that will tell a girl anything just to get them in their pants.

"Beau it's just that I trusted you not to tell him cause I knew this would happen" he looked down I knew he was dissappointed in himself. I hugged him "but if you ever do something like this again don't expect me to forgive you like this"

We ate tea and I could feel the tension in the air. Jai left part way through he looked angry at me, I guess not everyone is going to be happy. I cleaned up and then I joined Beau in his room. "so what do you have planned for tonight?" I asked "well since it is the last night before you go back, I thought we should just spend quality time together" he winked when he said quality time, I knew what he was implying. "oh so just some one on one time?" he nodded. "but first you have to catch me!" I dropped to the floor and went under the bed I grabbed a pillow as a weapon. I then discovered under the bed wasn't the best idea cause Beau could come from any direction. I laid in some sort of fearful adrenaline state, just staring, waiting. He was really quiet what ever he was doing. I decided I should move. I chose the same way I went under cause he will be expecting me to go out the other direction. I was being as quiet as I could which wasn't easy. I didn't get far before he grabbed me. Beau pinned me to the bed. I wriggled but he was too strong. He kissed me, I kissed back and he loosened his grip. I then tried to flip him so I could pin him to the bed but we just hit heads. I  laughed. "guess you caught me" I said "I sure did" he smiled like a little kid does when they win a game.

I woke up the next morning, one of Beau's arms was still under my neck and the other one was draped over my bare waist. I didn't want to leave but I had to get back. I wriggled out from the tangle of arms and got dressed. Beau was still asleep until I stubbed my toe on the bed. He looked up at me an smiled and smiled and leant down and kissed him. "morning sleepy head!" I said he just groaned "do you have to go?" I nodded "unfortunately I have too" he stood up and also got dressed. We made our way to the kitchen and got some breakfast and then sat on the couch cuddling. He kept playing with my hair, a lot of girls hate this but I loved it.

Everyone else in the house had risen and I decided it was time to leave. I went and collected all my stuff, Luke called me into his room. "so you and Beau all good now?" he asked "yeah I think so" I said "well by the sounds of last night you had" I blushed I was now a bit embarrassed he giggled "Luke thanks for everything your a true friend" I said leaving before he could say anything else. I gave everyone hugs before I left, even Jai although he was reluctant to hug back.

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