Part 15

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Noah: "Gaten! What are you doing kissing (Y/N)?!"
Gaten: "I just-"
Noah: "I just what?!"
Gaten: "I just really like (Y/N)."
Noah: "That doesn't give you permission to kiss her while she's with me!"
You: "I'm tired, and this is too much for me right now. I'm going to bed. See you guys in the morning."
Gaten: "(Y/N). Wait!"
You ran up the stairs and straight to your room and locked the door. You wanted no one coming in your room trying to talk to you. Your head was spinning, still trying to process what happened. You heard Noah and Gaten go back to their rooms as well. Hopefully you would get some sleep, you have filming tomorrow.

It's time for you to get up, and you walk downstairs, afraid of the tension that will be in the room. Everyone is already downstairs.
Sadie: "Morning, (Y/N). How'd you sleep?"
You: "Eh."
Sadie: "Why eh?"
You: "Gaten, why don't you explain? Because I really don't want to."
Millie: "Well, Gaten?"
Gaten: "It was a mistake. I called (Y/N) downstairs last night and told her I liked her, because I do. I kissed her without thinking."
Finn: "Gaten! Why would you do that?"
Millie: "Yeah, you know she's with Noah."
Gaten: "I know, I know! I just wanted to say I'm sorry to Noah and (Y/N). That wasn't a cool thing to do, and I really hope we can still be friends."
Noah: "But you still like her."
Gaten: "It's fine, I'll just try get over it. There's other people out there for me."
You: "And again, I'm sorry."
Gaten: "No, it's not your fault at all."
You: "So are we all good?"
Gaten: "We're all good."
Noah: "Yep."
Everyone else started laughing at you three for some reason.
You: "Why are you guys laughing?"
Caleb: "Because, you literally just solved an argument in front of our faces, and honestly it was pretty funny.
You: "Oh, well I hope you enjoyed our show."
Finn: "We sure did."
Everyone had finished up their breakfast by now, and you started to get ready with Sadie and Millie.
Millie: "What a night for you last night (Y/N)!"
You: "No kidding."
Sadie: "Did you even have any idea that he felt that way?"
You: "Honestly, I didn't. He was probably the one I knew the least out of all you guys, so I had no clue."
Sadie: "That's weird."
Millie: "Well, I'm glad that you all sorted this out, because I don't want drama going on while we're filming."
You: "I wouldn't want that either."
After a couple seconds of silence, Sadie spoke.
Sadie: "Would you guys want to go out tonight? Just us girls?"
You: "Yes! I would love to just get away from the boy drama that just happened for a night."
Millie: "That would be fun!"
You guys finished getting ready, and head to filming for the day. It was the same as usual. You mainly watched and hung out with the cast.

When you get back home, Millie calls everyone to the living room.
Millie: "I just wanted to announce that the girls and I are going out for a bit tonight, so don't mess up the house boys."
Finn: "Us mess up the house? Never."
Millie: "Whatever. We just don't want you setting the place on fire while we're gone!"
Gaten: "You have our word."
Millie: "Good! Now we're going to go get ready, so don't bother us."
You walk upstairs with the girls and get ready. You are all wearing cute rompers with sandals, with light makeup on. Downstairs, your ride is waiting, so when you get done you say a quick goodbye to Noah.
Noah: "Wow, you look beautiful."
You: "Thanks."
You're blushing.
Noah: "Well, go have fun out there, and don't flirt with other guys!"
You: "I wouldn't dare. Bye Noah!"
Noah: "Bye gorgeous!"
You race out the door and jump in the car.

About 15 minutes later, you arrive at an exclusive dance club for teens.
Bouncer: "Names?"
Millie: "Millie Bobby Brown, Sadie Sink, and (Y/N) (Y/L/N)."
Bouncer: "Come on in ladies."
You head straight to the food. The three of you sit at a high table with stools.
You: "How did I even get in here?"
Sadie: "This, is the introduction to your famous life."
Millie: "You can get in anywhere if you're known."
You: "I could get used to this."
You all laugh and a waiter asks what you would like to eat. You order a salad because you don't want to eat too much before dancing.
When you finish eating, you immediately head out to the dance floor. They're playing Blame by Calvin Harris, this is one of your favorite songs to dance to! You lay it all out on the dance floor along with Millie and Sadie who can't dance as well as you, but you're still having a great time.
The music comes to a stop as the DJ announces something.
DJ: "Hey, who's having a good time tonight?"
The whole crowd yells.
DJ: "Alright, good! We're going to do something a little new here, we're going to do a karaoke battle! A lot of the crowd has noticed that Sadie Sink, Millie Bobby Brown, and (Y/N) (Y/L/N) are here, so we nominate them! Are you girls up for it?"
The three of you huddle up.
Sadie: "I think we should do it."
You: "I'm down."
Millie: "Me too, I'll tell him."
DJ: "So, what's your pick?"
Millie: "Let's get this battle started!"
The crowd roars while you three run over to the DJ booth to choose your songs. You choose Problem by Ariana Grande and Iggy Azalea because you can rap and sing in it, showing off your talents. Millie and Sadie go before you, and it's looking like a tough competition. Millie got a little louder applause, so she'll be tough to beat, but people haven't really heard you sing yet.
You give your karaoke everything you have, using your best Ariana Grande voice, and you get applause all throughout the performance. You look back at Millie and Sadie a couple times and they are laughing and cheering you on. When the rap verse you just killed ends, you get a roar of applause from the audience.
The song is now over, and you got the biggest amount of applause, so you won the karaoke battle! Sadie and Millie run up and hug and congratulate you, and it seems like a million flashes go off in the audience from pictures taken of you three on stage.
You guys decide to leave after saying thank you to everyone there and taking a few fan pictures. You get into a car and drive home.
Sadie: "What a night!"
You: "I know right! That was so fun. We should definitely do it again sometime."
Millie: "I wonder how many fan accounts are going to tag us in pictures from tonight."
You: "Hopefully a lot, I'm going to try to like a lot tonight before bed."
Millie: "Same."
Sadie: "Same."

When you arrive home, you spend about 15 minutes liking posts on Instagram and are ready to go to bed until you hear a knock on your door.
You: "Come in."
Noah: "Hi, I just wanted to say that you were really good singing tonight."
You: "How would you know?"
Noah: "Someone there had a live of the entire karaoke battle and the guys and I watched the whole thing."
You: "Well, thank you Mr. Schnapp."
Noah: "Goodnight, amazing singer."
He walks over to you and kisses your cheek and walks out of your room, shutting the door. It was not a bad day for you. Not at all.

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