Part 12

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You wake up at 7 in the morning to get ready for filming, which starts at 9. You want to leave yourself a lot of time to get ready, so you can make a good impression with the rest of the cast, which you haven't met yet.
You head downstairs once you wake up so you can eat breakfast. Caleb is the only one downstairs.
Caleb: "Morning, (Y/N)."
You: "Morning."
Caleb: "What do you want to eat?"
You: "Just grab me a box of cereal."
Caleb: "Ok, I'll have the same."
He gets two bowls and spoons, along with some milk and Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
You: "Can I talk to you about something?"
Caleb: "Yeah, what is it?"
You: "Noah told me he liked me yesterday at the mall, and I told him the same, but he didn't ask me out of anything. I don't really know what we are and it's confusing me a lot."
Caleb: "Ooo, I see you."
You: "Shush." A small laugh comes out.
Caleb: "Okay, but for real, just talk to him about it. I know how much he likes you, but he's pretty shy about it."
You: "Thanks. I'm glad we got closer on that plane ride."
Caleb: "And I'm glad to call you a best friend of mine, (Y/N)."
You clank spoons with cereal on them, and all of yours falls off and onto the floor. You guys start laughing like crazy at this, even though it wasn't that funny.
Finn: "What are you two laughing at?"
Caleb: "Oh, it's nothing. When did you get down here?"
Finn: "Like 5 seconds ago."
You: "You want some Cinnamon Toast Crunch?"
Finn: "Sure."
When you finish eating you go back to your room and get ready for filming. You don't know what to wear, so you go to Sadie's room to ask her.
You: "Sadie?"
Sadie: "Yeah?"
You: "What do we wear to filming?"
Sadie: "Just wear something comfy, because you're going to be changing out of it anyway for your character."
You: "Okay."

Once everyone's done getting ready, you get into your van and head to filming. You have butterflies in your stomach, because you don't know how they will react to you. It feels like déjà vu, because you felt the same way when you went to the sleepover.
You arrive a few minutes later, and you're greeted by the Duffer Brothers and Shawn Levy.
Shawn: "Hi! You must be (Y/N)! Nice to meet you."
You: "Yep, that's me. Nice to meet you too."
You shake hands with the three of them. You guys all walk over to where David, Winona, Charlie, Joe, and Natalia are. You introduce yourself to them and they are all super nice to you. The Duffer Brothers pull you aside for a minute to talk to you.
Matt: "We just wanted to pull you aside for a minute to talk to you about your role."
You: "Oh, good, because I've been wondering that myself."
Ross: "Okay, so basically you're one of the girls that goes to school with the boys. You're not introduced until one of the later episodes, because you see them riding their bikes past your house, on their way to fight the mind flayer. You follow them and end up getting tangled in the same problem with the mind flayer, so you help them fight it."
You: "Oh, that's cool! I'm actually so excited to start this. What's my name though?"
Matt: "Elise Mader."
You: "Okay, awesome!"
Matt: "We're going to have you do kind of an open audition, so you can read and act on camera. It's going to be in front of the cast and directors, I hope you don't mind."
You: "No, it's fine."
You walk over to where you're going to be doing the audition. Shawn hands you a paper of lines you're going to read.
Ross: "Just go when you're ready."
You start to read the lines on the page, and you're loving the rush you get when acting. You look up and Noah has a huge smile on his face and you feel happier that he's here.
Once you finish everyone starts clapping and you jokingly take a bow.
David: "That was good, kid!"
Joe: "Yeah, you're pretty cool."
You: "Thanks guys."
You start receiving random compliments from everyone and you feel like you're saying thank you a million times.

Filming was so much fun today. Even though you aren't going to be on camera for a while because you're introduced later, you still found it fun to watch everyone and see how they make the magic that is Stranger Things happen. You still have the questions for Noah floating in the back of your mind, so when you get back to the house, you hang out with Millie and Sadie in your room to update them on what happened. They give you the same advice Caleb gave you, so you decide to text him, because he might not still be awake.

You: Hey, you awake?
Noah🙂: Yeah, what's up?

You're surprised on how fast he texted back.

You: Could you come to my room or I come to yours so I can talk to you?
Noah🙂: Sure, I'll be over in a few minutes.
You: Ok.

Millie and Sadie leave your room and they wish you luck, because this is going to be one awkward conversation. A couple minutes later, you hear a knock on the door. Noah's here, and you let him in and you sit together on your bed.
Noah: "So, what'd you want to talk about?"
You: "I've just been confused for the past day."
Noah: "About what?"
You: "Well, you know how you said you liked me, and I said I felt the same?"
Noah: "Yeah."
You: "Did you mean that?"
Noah: "Yes! Of course I meant it, I'm just pretty shy about it."
You: "Okay, cool."
Noah: "Was that all that you were confused about?"
You: "No, actually I was wondering something else, but it's nothing."
Noah: "(Y/N), you can ask me anything, and I'll be happy to answer it."
You: "Okay, well you didn't like ask me out or anything, so are we anything? Or are we just two people who are friends, but like each other?"


Hi, I just wanted to say that the description of (Y/N)'s character and what she does for Stranger Things is only for this book. And also, thank you for reading this book, I appreciate it a lot:)

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