Part 9

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You wake up to the smell of a hot breakfast and look around. Millie and Sadie are still sleeping.
You: "Millie! Sadie! Wake up!"
The two of them slowly get up and start sniffing like dogs.
You: "Guys, I think the boys made breakfast for us!" You're whisper yelling so they don't hear you guys.
Sadie: "It sure smells like it."
Millie: "What time is it?"
You: "It's almost 10, why?"
Millie: "Okay, that's an acceptable time to get up. Let's go get food!"
The three of you head upstairs and see the four boys cooking. Finn making scrambled eggs, Gaten cooking bacon, Caleb getting all the silverware and plates out, and Noah making pancakes. Noah looks so adorable being a little chef.
Sadie: "Guys, we can't let them see us!" Sadie is whispering while you guys stand behind the slightly cracked open basement door that leads to upstairs.
Millie: "What do you mean? I'm starving, and this is what you say?"
Sadie: "I don't know, I just kind of want to scare them."
Caleb walks over to the door and opens it, his eyes are wide as he stares as you guys, confused.
You: "Hi?"
Caleb: "I knew it!"
You: "What?"
Caleb: "I heard a bunch of whispers coming from over here. I knew you guys were planning to sneak up on us."
Sadie: "Oops?"
You guys walk in and are seated by Caleb. Something is weird.
You: "Why are you guys treating us like this is a restaurant?"
Gaten walks around the table passing you three girls menus.
Gaten: "Just clap when you're ready sweethearts."
Sadie: "We are so flattered." Sadie has a sarcastic tone to her voice that causes you guys to all break out laughing.
After a few minutes of talking and looking at the menu, you clap.
Gaten: "What will (Y/N) be having on this good day?"
You: "I'll take a stack of 3 pancakes with lots of maple syrup. Also bring me scrambled eggs on the side."
Gaten: "Coming right up!"
Gaten takes Sadie and Millie's orders and goes back to the kitchen.
A couple of minutes pass, and Noah, Finn, and Caleb all come out in suits. You three girls have your mouths hanging wide open as you look at them. But you're only looking at Noah. How does he look this good at 10 in the morning? Noah comes over to you and you snap out of your trance.
Noah: "3 pancakes with lots of maple syrup with a side of scrambled eggs for m'lady."
Your heart literally melts as he says that.
You: "Thank you!"
When you guys all get your breakfast, you dive right in, but Millie and Sadie are just sitting there smirking.
You: "What? I'm hungry!"
Millie: "You were blushing as he spoke to you, and don't you dare try to deny it."
You: "I'm disappointed in you guys."
Sadie: "What? Why?"
You: "Because at this point you should know why I'm blushing!"
Millie and Sadie continue to smirk at you and eat their breakfast. You guys talk about anything and everything, and shortly after you check your phone and it has about a million notifications from Instagram. You have so many followers!
You: "Oh my gosh!"
Noah rushes into the room like a superhero, except right now you don't need any saving.
Noah: "What?"
You: "Look at my follower count!"
Noah: "Dang girl, you earned 5,000 in one night! Welcome to the club!"
The seven of you clean up the kitchen and table and get dressed for the day.
You: "Crap!" Millie and Sadie are in the same room as you and you're all getting ready together.
Sadie: "What happened?"
You: "I forgot my makeup."
Millie: "No worries, I have some!"
You: "Thanks Millie."
Millie: "Anything for you looking good for Noah." She says it winking at you.
You: "Guys, what if they heard our conversation earlier? They were just in the next room over and could've heard us."
Sadie: "Crap, you're right."
Millie: "I think we're fine. They would've said something by now if they heard."
You: "Okay, that makes sense."
You guys get ready and head back upstairs and the boys are all sitting on the couch and you decide to join them.
Finn: "Dang, y'all look good!"
You: "I know, we always look fabulous."
Everyone starts to laugh and you notice Noah staring at you, but when you catch him, he looks away.
Noah: "Well (Y/N), now is the time."
You: "Time for what?"
Noah: "You're singing."
You: "Okay, click on my playlist and play the most recently added song."
Noah clicks on your favorite song right now and you decide to get really into it and sing your heart out. There's a small pause in the song and Millie and Sadie have their phones out recording you and smiling. You look at Noah and he is doing the same. The song's pause is over and you finish the song, smiling.
Noah: "(Y/N), that was amazing."
You: "Thanks." You're blushing and smiling at the same time.
Karine: "Alright kids, hate to break it to you guys, but we need to get you home."
Everyone groans but hops in Karine's car. Millie sprints to the front seat and Noah rolls his eyes at her. Caleb, Finn, and Gaten get in the second row of seats and you, Noah, and Sadie sit in the very back.
Karine: "(Y/N), I'm going to take you home last because everyone else is pretty busy today."
You: "Okay, that's fine with me."
Millie plugs her phone into the car and turns on a song and everyone starts singing along. That's when you realize that they're you're new best friends.
Finn is the first to go, then Caleb. It seems like you're driving all across town with them to get to their houses, but you don't mind. These people are your new favorite people. Gaten leaves next, then Sadie. Noah and you are alone in the backseat while Millie is talking to Noah's mom. Noah talks a little bit about Stranger Things 3 and shortly after Millie gets out. You and Noah are alone with his mom, just like the day he drove you home from the grocery store, which is hard to believe that it was only two days ago. You arrive at your house about 10 minutes later, and you get out and Noah comes with you.
Noah: "I'm just going to walk her in and help her with her stuff."
Karine: "Okay, but be quick."
You: "You didn't have to help me, you know."
Noah: "I know, I wanted to."
You: "Thanks."
You are on the porch and you give Noah a hug and thank him for the past night.
Noah: "It was a fun night."
You: "It was."
Noah: "Well, I'll see you in a couple days for filming!"
You: "Yeah, bye!"
Noah gives you a quick kiss on the cheek and goes back to the car and starts to drive home. You're just standing on your porch with a huge grin on your face, probably looking like an idiot. But you don't care. For you, that was a signal that he might like you back.

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