Part 4

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Noah: "Your house is really nice."
You: "Thanks!"
Noah's mom was driving away while you walk inside with Noah.
Noah: "I actually don't live pretty far from here, it's almost walking distance to my house. You should come over sometime!"
You: "Yeah, I'd love to!"
Noah: "Let me put my number in your phone."
You hand him your phone while your head is spinning with so many thoughts.
You: "So, I'm guessing you do this with a lot of fans."
Noah: "Actually, I don't. I've only done this like once before because most girls go crazy whenever they see me. You though, you're different and you're really nice and not a crazy fan girl and I like that."
You start to blush and hope he doesn't notice.
You: "I actually can't say I'm surprised. Most girls would love to spend the day with you. And not gonna lie I'm loving it."
You both start laughing and you head upstairs so you can hang out in your bedroom.
Noah: "Woah, this is a really cool room!"
You: "Yeah, I don't have everything I'd want in it yet though."
You continue talking for a while about your past life in Kansas and about his acting career. You were having the time of your life. You were basically friends with a celebrity. This was insane.
Noah: "So, how much do you like Stranger Things?"
You: "I love it, and it's definitely one of my top 5 shows."
Noah: "Cool, how would you like to be on it?"
You: "What?"
Noah: "Well I'm not saying you'll have like a big starring role, but we need a couple more extras for the show."
You: "Of course I would love that! I mean I would have to ask my parents, but how many episodes would I get to be in?"
Noah: "Probably at least a couple. We need like students to walk in the halls and maybe have an interaction or two with us. It doesn't pay much, like 100 dollars for every appearance, but I'm sure you'd be good for it."
You: "That's amazing, I would totally love that! Would I have to audition?"
Noah: "You may have to do like a tiny audition just to make sure if we need you to talk on camera you can, but that's it."
You: "I would love that. Thanks Noah."
Noah: "Anything for a friend."
You give him a hug for the second time today and you're super excited that you just became friends with a celebrity. He said he doesn't do this with many fans, so what made you so special? This thought floats in the back of your head.
Noah: "Do you have any secret talents?"
You: "Well I was in choir at my old school, but I was never any major roles in the plays our school put on."
Noah: "Would you want to sing for me? I can't sing very well myself, but I'd love to hear you sing."
You: "Uhm, sure I guess."
Noah: "Yes!"
He puts on a song that you requested and you sing your little heart out to him. You notice a gigantic smile forming on his face when you're done.
Noah: "That was amazing. I'm literally speechless."
You: "Thanks, I didn't know I was really that good."
Noah: "You are. And this is a bit off topic, but I just realized I don't actually know your name."
You: "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I didn't even tell you. I'm (Y/N)."
Noah: "Okay (Y/N), my mom just texted me she's here, so I'll see you soon, amazing singer."
You: "Bye!"
You didn't realize it had been a whole hour you had been hanging out with him. You were starting to actually crush on him because he was so nice and sweet towards you, and it didn't hurt that he was extremely good looking. Something must have been special about you to him, because he didn't just go over to a fans house to help with groceries. You wonder what it is that drew him to you.
You get a text from Sarah and Haley asking how life has been in LA. You tell them everything that just happened and they start freaking out. They're done with school back in Kansas because Los Angeles is two hours behind the time there. You decide to text Noah.

You: Hey, I just wanted you to know I had a lot of fun today and I hope we can hang out again soon.
Noah🙂: I feel the same way:)
You: :)
Noah🙂: I also completely forgot to tell you, filming starts in about a week and I'll call the Duffer Brothers about you joining as a main extra tonight.
You: Thanks so much! I'll talk to my parents about it. They're pretty laid back so I assume they'll let me do it.
Noah🙂: Yesss! I'll see you soon, amazing singer;)
You: See you soon!

You couldn't believe that you guys were becoming such good friends! It seemed like he really liked being around you and this made you happy. You spent the rest of the afternoon watching a couple episodes of Stranger Things over again until your parents got home. When they finally got home you were so excited to share the good news.
Mom: "(Y/N)! We're home!"
You rushed down the stairs to go talk to them.
Mom: "So, tell us about this Noah boy."
You: "Mom, he's not a Noah boy, he's Noah Schnapp! He plays Will on the show Stranger Things, the show we watched together."
Mom: "Oh! That lil bowl cut cutie?"
You: "He doesn't have a bowl cut in real life mom. He actually is really cute in real life and I had so much fun hanging out with him."
Dad: "That's good to hear. Did he treat you good while he was over?"
You: "Yes, in fact I have something to tell you, he offered me a main extra part in Stranger Things because they're in need of a couple more extras. The filming starts in about a week and I was wondering if you'd be ok with me doing it."

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