Part 3

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It's now Wednesday. You spent all of Tuesday packing and cleaning up your house. You wake up early at 7 because your flight is at 9 to go to Los Angeles.
You go through your normal routine feeding the animals, but this time you're saying goodbye to them and the farm. When you're finally done feeding the animals and getting ready, you head downstairs, ready to leave.
Dad: "Ready to go?"
You: "Yes."
The car gets packed with all your belongings, only taking what you absolutely need because you'll be moving into a new house in LA. You drive to the airport where you board the plane and say goodbye to the place you called home for 14 years.

About 3 hours later, you land in Los Angeles. It's so hot there and you're not used to this kind of weather, so you regret wearing jeans. You take a cab to your new home. Your parents bought your house online fully furnished and it cost like 3 million dollars you overheard them saying. You had no idea that they made that much money, but you imagined they had pretty good money, because they bought a large farm with 3 acres back in Kansas.
The home is gorgeous. It's modern, nothing like your wooden farmhouse back in Kansas. Inside, it's beautiful and open with clean lines all over with lots of light being let in. You spend the entire day unpacking and getting used to the house.

You wake up the next morning surprised that you slept so good. Your parents had to leave early for their first day at their new work, but you didn't want to wake up early just to say goodbye to them. Also since you're not going to school at the moment, why bother? You have the whole house to yourself, but you don't have any food so they leave a note telling you to go the local grocery store for some food for yourself. You use your map on your phone to find the nearest one which is about a half hour walking distance.
Once you get there you pick out a couple of groceries for you to eat later. You head into the parking lot and you see someone that looks oddly familiar, but you don't know how you could know anyone when you haven't met anyone besides your taxi driver yesterday? You think for a minute about who it is. That's when you figure out it's Noah Schnapp from the show Stranger Things! You watched that show and loved it. You debate running over to him and saying hi. He's with his mom, so you don't know if you should, but you do anyways.
You: "Hi Noah!"
Noah: "Hi!"
He gives you a hug and you immediately feel happy. You just met a celebrity who you have crushed on!
You: "I just wanted to say I'm a huge fan of you on Stranger Things and I literally love you so much. you're like perfect. Wow I'm talking a lot but seriously you're like one of my favorite people."
Noah: "I love you too! It's always fun hearing from fans."
You: "Sorry if I was bothering you, I just recognized you, and I wanted to say hi because if I didn't I know I would regret it."
Noah: "No! You're totally fine."
You: "Ok, that's good to know. Well I've got to get going so I can get these groceries home and it's a lengthy walk home."
Noah: "You have to walk home?"
You: "Yeah my parents are out at work and we just moved here yesterday so we didn't have any food yet."
Noah: "My mom could give you a ride home, we don't have anything going on today."
Mrs. Schnapp: "Yeah I can take you home, I don't want to see you walking in all this heat. Also you can call me Karine."
You: "Thanks guys, I honestly really appreciate it."
Karine: "Of course!"
You couldn't believe it! You're riding in Noah Schnapp's car and he's one of your idols. You talk with Noah in the backseat for the 5 minutes it took to get home about random things and you were starting to really bond you felt like, but you were just a fan and he was a celebrity being nice. He probably did this a lot with fans.
You: "Oh, there's my house. Thanks again for the ride guys!"
Noah: "Want me to help you with those groceries?"
You: "Sure, if you want. Let me call my mom really quick to see if you can come in."
You quickly dial your moms number, hoping she'll say yes to him coming in.
You: "Mom?"
Mom: "Yes?"
You: "I just met Noah Schnapp at the grocery store and his mom gave me a ride home, I was wondering if he could come in for a bit?"
Mom: "Sure. Tell me about this when you get home because I'm really busy. Bye sweetie."
You: "Bye mom."
Inside you were so excited she said yes, but you didn't show this because you didn't want to act like a crazy fan girl.
Karine: "Noah, why don't you just text me when you want me to come pick you up so I'm not waiting here forever. She doesn't seem like she's a crazy fan girl, so I'll see you later."
Noah: "Ok, bye mom!"
Internally, you were screaming because the famous Noah Schnapp, was hanging out with you at your house.

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