Part 11

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You reach Atlanta about 4 hours later. The flight with Caleb was literally amazing. You learned a lot about each other, played games, and even have some inside jokes. You feel bad, but you completely forgot about everyone else in the cast! You get off the flight and Atlanta is so much different from LA.
Caleb: "This is where stranger dreams are made, honey."
You: "Oh, I know. They're the best kind of dreams."
He laughs at your comment and you walk over and meet the rest of the cast. Fans are crowded around you guys, as they try to ask questions and take pictures with you and the cast. They're all wondering what your role is on the show, because they don't know much about you yet. You follow what the cast does and you just wave hi and blow air kisses, not being rude, but not answering their questions.

It's about 8 when you reach the place you're staying at. You're staying with Sadie, Millie, Caleb, Finn, Noah, and Gaten in this home. It's a huge mansion, with 7 bedrooms and 7 bathrooms. It has a bunch of cool rooms, like a movie room, a game room, a party room like Noah's house had, and the backyard had a pool with a spa. This was like the perfect dream home! You spent most of the night unpacking your things, although you didn't have much. The crew insisted on taking you shopping tomorrow, and you were super excited for the next three months. You drift off to sleep early around 9, thinking about all the memories you'll make with these people.

You wake up in the morning to Millie bursting in your room, making you shoot up from your bed.
You: "Millie! Holy crap, you scared me so bad!"
Millie: "Sorry! We need to get going soon, we only have the mall private to us for so long!"
You: "Shoot, I'm sorry. I'll be down in a minute."
Millie: "It's okay." She shuts the door and you change into your outfit for the day and walk downstairs. You're wearing high waisted ripped jeans with a black crop top paired with black converse.
Caleb: "Dang, homie is looking good!" You greet Caleb with your handshake you made on the plane.
You: "I am if I do say so myself."
Millie: "OMG. I have like the same outfit and I'm going to go change into it right now."
Noah: "You do look good."
You: "Thanks Noah."
You blush a little, but not to much because the cast will notice. You stand there talking with everyone for a couple minutes and Millie comes down, looking flawless as usual.
Millie: "Ready to go?"
You: "You lead us out, queen."
Millie: "Aww, thanks."
You arrive at the mall about 10 minutes later, and you go to Starbucks first and order what you always used to get in Kansas. The caramel Frappuccino. It's always been your favorite.
You: "Can I get a grande caramel Frappuccino?"
Noah: "Make that two."
This little thing made you smile. The littlest things he does makes you smile, and that's probably why you like him so much.
When everyone gets their drink, you decide to make a toast.
You: "Let's make a toast, to finding me some new things and to making today a memorable day."
Everyone says "Cheers!" and clings their drinks together and takes a sip.
Finn: "This is so good."
Gaten: "I know right."
Sadie: "Where to first?"
Noah: "Do you guys want to split up?"
You: "Yeah, we could split up and then all meet up somewhere."
Millie: "Okay, me and Sadie will go walk around together."
Caleb: "I'll go with (Y/N) and Noah."
Gaten: "And I'll go with Finn!"
You walk with Noah and Caleb and they lead the way.
You: "Where are we going?"
Noah: "I don't know, I'm just following Caleb."
Caleb: "We're going in here. They look like they have cool clothes."
You walk into this clothing store and already you see so many clothes you like. You run over to this super cute romper with a flower pattern on it.
Caleb: "That's pretty."
You: "I'm going to try it on."
You pick out your size and go to the dressing room to try it on. It fits perfectly, and you look good in it. You can hear Noah and Caleb outside the dressing room and open the door to show them your outfit. They're both speechless when they see you. You knew you looked good, but you didn't know you would make the guys stare.
Noah: "You look gorgeous."
You smile and blush at his comment.
Caleb: "Yep. You're definitely buying it. Also, I got this silver leather jacket for you to try on."
Caleb throws the jacket at you and you put it on. You actually surprisingly like it.
Caleb: "I like it. I'm going to go grab this shirt I think you'll like."
Noah: "Why do you look good in everything?"
You blush again.
You: "I don't look good in everything."
Noah: "Yes, you do. You always look so pretty when I see you and it's unreal."
You have this big goofy grin on your face.
You: "Well, I could say the same about you. You're pretty good looking yourself. I'm glad I met you Noah."
Noah: "I'm glad I met you, (Y/N)."
Caleb interrupts your conversation and throws a light blue tie-dye shirt at you.
Caleb: "Try this on, I think the blue color will suit you good."
You: "Okay."
You walk back into the dressing room and change, and when you come out, the boys love your outfit again. You feel like you're putting on a little fashion show for them.
You buy over 400 dollars worth of clothes, but you don't mind the cost for right now, because you needed more clothes.
You walk to the empty food court to get some food. It feels weird being in a mall with no one there, but you needed the mall to be empty in order to actually shop, or else fans would go crazy.
You get some pretzels and share a drink with Noah, while Caleb tries to find the nearest bathroom.
Noah: "Can I be completely honest?"
You: "Of course."
Noah: "I was kind of hoping to spend the shopping day with only you."
You: "Why's that?"
Noah: "So this could be more like a date, like just the two of us." He's nervous to say this, I can tell in his eyes. I'm so glad he said something, because I didn't have the guts to say it.
You: "I kind of got the hint with your compliments you were throwing at me back there."
Noah: "Truth is, I like you. I know this will sound cliche, but I knew when I met you, something was different about you, and it was a good different. You didn't freak out like any other fan girl would've when they met me, you tried to become a real friend to me. You're nice, smart, pretty, funny, and so much more, and I wouldn't want to be here, eating pretzels in the middle of a mall food court with anyone else."
You: "I feel the same way." You say this with a smile and you start to feel a connection between you two. Just a second later, you see Caleb jogging over to you.
Caleb: "Follow me! We're meeting up with the others!"
You: "Race you there." You stand up immediately with your pretzel in hand and start running towards Caleb.
Noah: "I'm to get you (Y/N)!" Noah is trying to catch up to you, but he's a few feet behind.
You: "If you want to catch me, you're going to have to run faster than that!"
You beat him to the others and when he arrives a few seconds later, he jumps onto you back and yells.
Noah: "Lead the way (Y/N)!"
For the rest of the time with the cast, you think about how much you are really starting to like him.

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