Part 2

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You sit down across from the three adults with a confused look on your face.
Mom: "Sweetie, your dad and I just got a call from our office, and we need to relocate to Los Angeles for our job."
Dad: "We need to be there by Thursday, so this will be your last day here."
And just like that, it seemed like your whole world stopped. Your life was perfect here, and now it was going to be ruined by moving to a place where only snobby rich people lived. Tears start to stream down your face at the realization that you will have to leave behind the home you grew up in, as well as your animals and best friends.
Mom: "Honey, I know this is really sudden and new. But we don't have another choice. The company is moving to Los Angeles, and if we don't move with it, we will get laid off our jobs and we can't risk both of us jobless."
You: "So this will be the last time I will get to see Haley and Sarah?"
Mom: "Unfortunately, yes. I know you love them and they're your best friends, but this is what we need to do for this family. I really hope you can realize that."
At this point you're now sobbing because this is so hard on you.
You: "I mean, I understand it's just that I don't know what I'm going to do without them. I'll have no one out there and I've had them for four years."
Dad: "I know. Come here."
You walk over to your parents and hug it out with them for a good minute.
Principal Davis: "I just wanted to know that for the couple months we've had your here at high school you've done amazing work. Whatever school you're enrolled to in LA will be lucky to have you."
You: "Thanks."
After you're done sobbing in the principals office, you go to the bathroom to clean up and check your phone. You have about 10 texts from Sarah and Haley in your group chat asking what happened. Your stomach starts to hurt because you're scared of the reactions your friends will have when you have to bear the bad news. You walk back to class with this sick feeling in your stomach.
You open the door and the whole room goes silent. Sarah and Haley look at you with wide eyes and you just stand there while the whole class looks at you in confusion of why you're just standing there.
Mrs. Gem: "Are you ok (Y/N)?"
You: "I'm moving to Los Angeles in like 2 days because my mom and dad are getting their jobs transferred there, and today is my last day of school here. I'll have to leave my two best friends in the whole world, so no, I am anything but ok."
You're crying again but this time it's in front of the whole class and everyone looks down and stays silent. Sarah and Haley both start to tear up.
Mrs. Gem: Why don't you three girls step out into the hallway and come back in when you're ready."
The three of you walk out into the hallway all crying. A class is traveling through the halls while you walk out of class and they all stare at you like you're insane. If only they knew your heartbreak.
Haley: "Are you serious? You have to leave?"
You: "I wish I wasn't."
At that moment you all get into a group hug and are just sitting in the hallway crying your eyes out. The bell rings about 2 minutes later and you all get up and head back into class to grab your backpacks.
Sarah: "I'll see you guys at lunch then. I love you guys."
You and Haley: "I love you too."
You all go your separate ways walking out of first period English class because you don't have any other classes with them and you only see them at lunch.
You get to second period and you're the first one in the classroom, like usual, because it's a couple doors down from English.
You: "It's my last day here because I'm moving in a couple days, and I just wanted to let you know."
Mr. Newman: "I know. The principal sent out a mass email to all the teachers, but we were told not to give the information to the students until tomorrow so you don't have to hear you're leaving again."
You: "Ok, thanks."
Second period is boring for the most part because you don't have to do any of the work since you're leaving.
You get to lunch and you talk with Haley and Sarah about anything but your move, trying not to bring the bad mood back.
When the bell rings for third period you guys say your goodbyes and head to your third class and when that's over, you go to your last class of the day.
When school is over you meet with your friends outside of school to get one last goodbye.
You: "Well I guess this is it for me."
Sarah: "Yeah. I'm really going to miss you (Y/N). I've loved having you as a best friend of mine for the past 4 years and I love you more than anyone in this world."
Haley: "Hey!"
Sarah: "Kidding. I love you both the same but I get to actually see you tomorrow Haley."
Haley: "Yeah probably not the time to make a joke. I'm going to miss you too. You've always been there for me and I wouldn't want anyone else to be one of my very best friends."
You: "I love you guys more than life and I'm going to miss you like crazy!"
You get into the last group hug you'll ever have with these people, tears flowing on everyone's face again. You don't care how ridiculous you look towards everyone, they wouldn't know.
Mom: "(Y/N)! I'm here."
You three walk to your moms car.
Mom: "Girls, I'm sorry we have to do this to you guys but it's what we as a family need."
Sarah: "We understand, we're just really sad, that's all."
Mom: "Yeah, I bet. I appreciate you guys so much for being my daughters friends and helping her survive middle school and a little bit of high school. Thank you girls."
Haley: "We were happy to be her friends."
Mom: "I'm glad to hear that. (Y/N), ready to go?"
You: "I guess so. Bye guys."
Sarah: "Bye!"
Haley: "Hey, don't forget us while you're being famous in Los Angeles."
You: "I doubt I'll be famous, but I most definitely will never forget you guys. Bye!"
Driving away from them felt like the worst thing to ever occur.

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