Part 10

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It's now Tuesday. You spent the past three days hanging out with your parents because your flight for Atlanta leaves later this afternoon. Filming starts on Thursday, and you couldn't be happier. You've gotten closer to the cast on the group chat you guys have been texting on and you still can't stop thinking about when Noah kissed your cheek.
The only parent going on your flight is Noah's mom, and Noah is going to sit by her on the flight. You're a bit sad that you won't be able to sit by him, but it's not a huge deal. Finn and Gaten are sitting together and Millie and Sadie are sitting together, so you're excited to get some bonding time with Caleb.
You don't have much to pack because you don't have very many things. It feels so weird that you are packing again when you just did last week. You're going to call home 3 different states in one month, which is pretty cool.
Your parents drop you off at the airport and you have to have a tough conversation with them.
Mom: "Be careful, sweetie. We love you lots."
Dad: "Make sure to call or text us every night, okay?"
You: "I will, and I won't forget. I promise."
The three of you are all tearing up at this point.
You: "I love you guys, but I should go."
Dad: "Okay. We'll see you in three months."
Mom: "Goodbye (Y/N)."
You: "Bye guys!"
You walk away happy, but there's still tears in your eyes. You see Caleb and walk over to him.
Caleb: "What's wrong (Y/N)?"
You: "It's just saying goodbye to my parents. It's pretty hard."
Caleb: "Yeah, I know how it feels. The first time was the hardest, but it gets better, trust me."
You: "I trust you."
Caleb smiles and gives you a hug and you immediately feel better. You catch a glimpse of Noah out of the corner of your eye, he's walking in the airport. He looks kind of upset and angry, which makes you confused. You pull away from the hug.
Caleb: "You ready to go?"
You: "Yeah, let me just go talk to Noah really quick."
Caleb: "Okay, I'll be here."
You walk over to Noah and he doesn't notice you at first.
You: "Hey."
Noah: "Oh! Uh, hi."
You: "I just wanted to talk to you before the flight since we're not sitting together."
Noah: "Oh yeah, are you and Caleb together?"
You: "We're sitting together, if that's what you mean."
Noah: "Ya know, I thought you were like, a thing."
You: "Why would you think that?"
Noah: "Oh, I just thought you were."
You: "Well, no we're not, and why do you keep saying oh?"
Noah: "I don't know, I should probably get to my flight, bye!"
You: "Bye?"
Noah was acting awful weird. You decide to tell Caleb what happened.
Caleb: "That's weird."
You: "Right! It's not just me thinking it's strange, thank goodness."
Caleb: "Does he seriously think that just because we hugged?"
You: "I guess so."
Caleb: "Look, I don't know for sure, but I think he may like you."
Your heart started beating faster as soon as he said that.
You: "You think?"
Caleb: "Kind of, I mean, he talked about you a lot the day before we met you, and he seemed happier than usual."
You: "Oh!"
Caleb: "Well, since we don't know for sure, maybe keep this between us. It can be like our little secret that was can talk about."
You: "Sounds good."
Caleb: "Now come on, we're going to be late for our flight!"
You both take your luggage and start running towards your plane entrance. Caleb almost falls, which is hilarious.
You're happier than ever at this moment. You're flying across the United States with one of your best friends, going to be starring on one of the biggest shows on the air right now, and Noah Schnapp may like you back.

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