Part 13

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Noah: "(Y/N), can I ask you a question?"
You: "But you didn't even answer mine."
Noah: "I know."
You: "Well, can you answer it?"
Noah: "Can I ask you a question?"
You: "If you promise to answer mine after."
Noah: "I will."
You: "Okay."
You sit there with Noah for a couple seconds and he's dead silent, and you don't know what he is doing.
You: "Well are you going to-"
You're interrupted by Noah smashing his lips into yours. You're surprised by how nice the kiss is, you've never kissed anyone before. He pulls away after a couple seconds.
Noah: "(Y/N), will you be my girlfriend?"
You: "You know you didn't have to kiss me before, I would've said yes anyways."
Noah: "Oh, well I just wanted to then."
You and Noah burst into laughter. This is so surreal for you. You've always liked him and now you're dating him, but what will the cast think?
Noah: "I should probably get to bed. I'll see you tomorrow though, gorgeous."
You: "Oh, bye!"
He just called you gorgeous! You couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the night.

You wake up the next morning, and Millie and Sadie are downstairs.
Millie: "I heard the news."
You: "What?"
Millie: "You didn't see Noah's Instagram story?"
You: "No, what does it say?"
Millie: "It's a selfie of him with the time as 11:11 and with the caption as your name."
Sadie: "See, it's so cute!"
Sadie shows you the picture and you immediately crack into a smile.
You: "I like him a lot, you guys."
Sadie: "And we ship it!"
Millie: "Two of my best friends dating, I love it."
You guys proceed to eat your breakfast and the guys come down a few minutes later.
He scared you so bad because he screamed it to everyone in the kitchen. It's a good thing it's just the seven of you living in this house, because anyone else would be mad about all the noise you guys make.
Noah: "Well, that's one way to say it."
Everyone bursts into laughter and Noah walks over and gives you a hug. The whole gang sits at the table and you guys discuss your role in season 3.

About an hour later, you guys head to filming. You aren't filming the scenes that you're in for a couple weeks, so you just watch. All of them are such good actors and you're amazed at how they can just snap into character. You wish you could just step in there and be with them, but it's not that time yet.

It's now around 12 and you have a break. Noah walks over to you and immediately puts a smile on your face.
Noah: "Come with me."
You: "What? Where are we going?"
Noah: "You'll see."
He takes you by the hand and leads you out of the studio. There's a picnic table placed in front of the filming studio.
Noah: "So I know it's not like a fancy dinner restaurant date, but this is the best I could do for right now.
You: "Noah, I love it."
You sit down at the table and he takes out peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and chips.
You: "This is really cool."
Noah: "Anything for you, amazing singer."
You: "You're still with that nickname?"
Noah: "Well, yes. Also gorgeous. I'll call you gorgeous a lot, because that's what you are."
You: "I could say the same about you, handsome."
Noah: "Oh, is (Y/N) a big flirt now?"
You: "I don't know, is my Noah Schnapp a big flirt now?"
Noah: "Yes, but only to you."
You: "You're an idiot."
Noah: "Don't say you don't enjoy the compliments, because I can tell you do."
You: "Fine, maybe I do, but that doesn't not make you an idiot."
Noah: "Okay, whatever you say, gorgeous."
The rest of the day went great. Your mini date with Noah was just what your heart needed, and filming was so much fun today! Joe and Natalia got done early for the day, so you got to have bonding time with them, and it was really fun.

When you arrive back at the house, you call an important meeting in the living room. You need to tell the gang something.
You: "I have gathered you here today, to tell you something important."
Caleb: "We're all ears!"
Noah: "And we're all eyes, you look gorgeous by the way."
Millie: "Aww, couple goals."
You: "Thanks, but I just wanted to say something. It's crazy how much my life has changed in the past two weeks. I was just a random girl living in Kansas and now I'm here, with the world's greatest and kindest cast, filming an amazing show. I literally can't thank you guys enough. You've made my life so much better and I really want you guys to know I really appreciate you all. That night at the sleepover, I knew we would all become great friends, and that's what happened. I'm glad to call you guys my best friends, and you mean a lot to me."
You guys pull into a group hug and you're happy you said this. You needed them to understand how much they meant to you, and this moment, would be one to remember.

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