《You promised》

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Kurapika x Terminally Ill!Reader
Sorry it's kinda short!

Kurapika x Terminally Ill!ReaderSorry it's kinda short!

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Kurapika POV

Her hair stuck to her damp forehead as her fever increased. A breathing ventilator was in her left nostril, taped to her cheek as she took raspy, struggling breaths. (Y/N) was diagnosed with Leukemia and none of the treatments wasn't making a huge impact on her health.

She had another IV that pumped nutrition and vitamins into her because of her lack of appetite. She was extremely malnourished. She often complained that her bones and muscles were aching. I know even with the multiple IVs in her and pain killers in her system, she was still in extraordinary pain.

But never have I once, seen her smile faltered.

Our wedding was coming up soon, in three weeks to be exact but I doubt she was going to make it down the aisle. Hot tears came down my face as they told me to take her home in her critical condition for me to set up a schedule with a hospice nurse. A Hospice Nurse. That's when I lost it. They were trying to prepare me for her final moments.

"Kurapika, I'm sorry." Mae weakly stated from the hospital bed.


"Pika." (Y/N) asked, her voice bland as she stared out our dining room window. We had gotten into a fight a few hours ago and she's still upset. "Yes love?" I asked. "I know you want kids and I'm sorry I can't. I don't think I'll be a good mother." I didn't know how to respond, so I stayed silent.

"I love you, pika! I'll always be here for you!" (Y/N) yelled from the balcony above. I smiled and called back, "You promise?" "I promise!"


As she got worse, we had to unhook her life support. It was costing too much money and some other excuses the doctors made. I sat on the bed, looking at her smiling face, which was the opposite of my ugly crying. "How can you still be so happy and smile, you're dying!" I cried.

She mustered up a weak smile, eyes half open. "Because, I know I'm going to die loved." She simply stated.

"But you promised you'd be here with me. You promise!" I yelled.

"I did. I'm not leaving you as long as you don't forget me. I'll always be there and I'll always love you till my heart skips it's last beat."

"I love you." And with that, she left the land of the living, leaving Kurapika to struggle alone but he knew she was there with him. He heard things around the house, seen things move on their own, and heard she yell, "Love you" everytime he crossed the balcony from above.

And every time he heard, he remembered, that she did die loved and happy. That was enough to fuel his hope

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