Feitan x Dying!Reader

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Heartbroken!Feitan X Dying!Reader

Hey I doubt alot have seen this but I am still doing this for y'all, who are.

Any request?

Feitan will be speaking in Japanese or his bad grammar. Or was it Chinese? If it was Chinese please tell me so I can edit it.

Y/N is Uvogin's Younger sister.


Y/N P.O.V.

Chrollo walked into the room, his footing a bit off than usual. He gathered us all here today for a meeting today, regarding the Chain user. I knew this wasn't good news by the rhythm of his footsteps, quick, nervous, and paranoid.

"What's wrong Danchou?" I asked. He took a deep, calming breath and looked at everyone of us. "I regret to inform that one of our comrades, Uvogin, was killed fighting the chain user." He informed us.

'No.... He was my only brother. This can't be happening. Uvo I'm sorry. I'll avenge to! I swear I will or I'll die trting" I though. His name repeating in my mind, each time laced with despair and anger.

I felt myself slam my fists onto the tabel, shattering in in tiny shards. I felt everyone's gaze on me. "Y/N, calm down..." Chrollo tells me. "Calm... Calm? Why would I be calm? My only family member just died and your all calm! I'm going out now and I'm getting revenge." I could hear my voice break, almost as if it was slowly losing its sanity.

The others wearily look at me, surprised my voice could be so crazed. I turn my back towards them and slam the door behind me, cracking the wall around it. I was never that strong, hell I couldn't even open my jar of peanut butter without help.

I walked out of the hideout, in pure rage, a small yet delicate hand grabs my wrist and pulls me back a bit.
"No go" A voice struggling on English spoke. "You can't stop me let me go, Feitan" I demanded. He only grips my wrist harder, it's probably gonna leave a bruise later.

"Feitan let her go, now" I turn around to see Chrollo looking at me and him.
"Whatever you say or do to try to get her to stop won't work." Chrollo says. Feitan slowly let's my hand go. Feitan clicks his tongue in response and let's me go.

I smile weakly "I'll come back, I promise" I told him, as I walked away from the base.

~next day~

It's been a day since my brothers death, I was crushed. I went for a walk on the streets it was around midnight and I was in a black hoodie, roaming the streets.

I felt a nen user nearby, I assumed it was the chain user. Instead I came across two children, one with green spiky hair and hazel eyes, the other has blue sharp eyes and white hair. I believe he was a Zoldyck from the hair and eyes.

I pulled my hoodie up more a bit so it was shadowing my face. I walked into an alley way, avoiding the two children because of the aura they out off. I knew about 3 people were following me, I heard their footsteps, although one was barely audible, probably the white haired assassin.

I took a sharp corner and ran into a meadow one the outskirts of the town. I was trying to lure them away so, I didn't have to have an inclosed battle.

A blonde man emerges from the trees and look at me, his eyes calm yet angered. "Why are you following me?" I hiss at him. "My friend says you smell like someone I killed yesterday, Uvogin, I believe that's what his name was." Kurapika taunts.
My bangs shadowed over my eyes. "Your the chain user, you killed my brother!" I yelled. I could sense the two others in the bushes in the distance probably a backup.

I felt something pierce my chest, I gasped and coughed up a little bit of blood. "So you do have connections to the Phantom Troupe." He states. I coughed "I do, why do you care?" I hiss, partly out of pain and anger.

His eyes flickered a Scarlet color, but he remained silent. "Oh, a petty Kurta? How did you survive we killed everyone of them." I asked. His eyes started to glow scarlet. "I was not there when it happened" he tells me.

"Oh, so you abandoned them? What love." I sneer at him. He shadowed his eyes and and slings his arms backwards, ripping the chain out of my chest.

I gasped and fell in my knees. He looked down upon me. "You will die in a matter of minutes, any last words?" He hisses. "Go to hell, you are a monster, you take peoples lives for your own cause. You are just like us." I told him. He did not appreciate that at all. He just walked away. "Your going to die anyways, goodbye spider" he told me.

He left me to die, alone and cold. Him and the children left.

My vision became blurry and I couldn't see properly. I felt the presence of a small figure, Feitan. A hand hastily grabs ahold of my small frame, smaller than his by a good 3 inches. I felt someone fall down in the knees next to me. "Y/N!" Their voice was full of disbelief, worry, and heartbroken. His hand shot out towards me and he cradled my upper body to close to him, his neck buried into the crease of my neck.

I heard him start to make almost a choking sound.

Was he crying?

"Feitan" I said weakly. His took a sharp breath. " あなたは私に死ぬあえてしないでください !"(Don't you dare die on me!)" he yells at me, tears streaming down his cheeks " どうして泣いてるの?" (Why are you crying?) I ask him, as I weakly put my hand towards his cheek. " 私は...私はあなたにY / Nを愛し" (I...I love you Y/N) Feitan cries. I kiss him on his forehead. " 私もあなたを愛して、今はさよならを言わなければなりません。" (I love you to, but now I have to say goodbye) I spoke. いいえ、あなたは戻って約束しました!(no you promised you would come back!) Feitan yells, voice laced in pain. " 私は心からあなたを愛しています。私はいつもます " (I love you with all my heart. I always will) I told him as he cried.
I felt my self fading away.

At least I died in the arms of the one I loved.

"Love you Y/N" was the last thing I heard.

How was it? Is it okay? This chapter was made of 1146 words.

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