42. Eleanor

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And then I was out on a date with Eleanor, glaring daggers at her with my hands clenched together in my lap. "Lou, you need to calm down..." She tried to soothe me. 

I shook my head, my throat hurting because of all of the words that were bundled up inside. "I...can't."

She reached over the table, rubbing my arm soothingly, while I just flinched at the contact. Eleanor and I never usually socialized this much, let alone be in the same room together without ripping each others limbs off. "I just... I don't want it to be like this."

"I know you don't, Louis, but this is the way it is," she reasoned.

"Yeah, well you didn't have to accept their offer, but apparently everything you do is supposed to lead up to hurting me, you selfish bitch," I snapped.

Her eyes drooped and she bit her lip, "Louis, I-"

"I don't want to hear it," I shook my head, cutting her off.

"I needed the money," she sounded desperate.

"For what?" I scoffed, my voice sounding strained.

"I moved to London..."

I clenched my jaw, "how?"

"I need money in order to move..."

"So the oppertunity came up and you just lept for it, you didn't even think about how I would feel?" I said, sounding weaker, my lip quivering. 

She sat back in her chair, "you didn't exactly do anything for me to want to help you- other than call me a bitch and use the very common nickname, Eleanwhore."

"I wouldn't've done this to you."

Then we stared at each other, guilt full in her eyes, while mine were filled with hatred and betrayal.

"I'm sorry."

I let out a breathy laugh, shaking my head, "just...don't."


I set the car keys down on the counter and collapsed onto the couch. "Louis?" Tina yelled from her room. I bit the insides of my cheeks, trying not to snap at her for no good reason while she walked into the room in her house coat. "Lou, aw, Lou, what's wrong?" She asked, sitting down beside me.

"Everything," I managed to squeek out.

"Sh," she soothed, rubbing my back and hugging me lightly.

The tears welled up in my eyes while I tried desperately to hold them back. None the less, they came pouring down my cheeks, while my breath came out in shaky sobs. "I-It's n-not fair..."

"Do you want me to call Harry?" She asked, giving me a sympethetic smile.

My chin wobbled while my voice shook. I clenched my eyes closed and buried myself into her side, shaking violently, "h-he's on t-tour," I wailed, letting everything I had been holding in for the past week out onto her. 

"You never told me," she apologised, biting her lip.

"I-I forgot..."

"That's okay."

Then there was dead silence, well, other than my pathetic sobs filling up the entire room. "I hate everything," I started. "I hate Eleanor, I hate avocados, I hate pancakes, I hate people, I hate Twitter, I hate these pants." I stared down at my pants with rage, they were too tight on my sticky and sweaty legs and I just wanted them off.

"Well, you can... Take them off?"

"I don't need your permission," I seethed, sliding the denom down my legs, freeing myself from them, leaving me only in my boxers. "I want Harry," I decided.

"When's he going to be home?"

And I started crying again, "one m-month."

"Can't you go visit?"

"It doesn't work like that," I spat, pushing myself away from her. I was twenty two and acting like a complete child."

"What can I do to make you happy? Other than get Harry?"

"Tell Eleanor to f-fuck off," I sobbed loudly.

"Eleanor? What has she done?"

"S-She signed the c-contract."

"What contract?" Tina blinked, more alert now.

"The one that says she has to fake date me," I said quietly.

"What?" Tina asked, crossing her arms.

"Can I explain later?"


"It doesn't even fucking concern you," I huffed, turning away from her.


And she walked away, leaving me alone on the couch like it had been in the first place and I felt like another chunk had been ripped out of my heart. 

I had to give it to Tina though, for her being able to deal with all of my problems that easily. For rarely getting so upset with me to the point where she would hold a grudge. It's just never happened before and I don't really want to think about the fact that one day it might. All I really had was Tina and Harry, no one else. They were the only two I could fully trust. The rest were thrown into the category of 'Only Want Me For My Internet Fame'.

Harry was the only person who knew how I felt and Tina was the only one who knew how to put up with me. See, I was afraid that Harry wasn't able to fully understand my actions or words at some times, so I was just worried that some day he might... Go away.

My phone rang and I lept for it like a tiger, praying to God that it was Harry- don't get me wrong, he's called me after nearly every show for the past week, it just wasn't enough. I blinked, looking at the called ID for a minute before answering, clearly confused. 




I paced around my hotel room, phoning Louis over and over again, but going straight to voicemail each time. And each time I hung up, completely frusterated, without leaving a message. I counted this as try number six and clenched my jaw, my grip around the phone tightening, becoming irritated. 

'Hi, you've reached Louis' voicemail, leave a message! Or don't...'


I took a deep breath, "Louis, if you're mad at me, I don't know why, whatever you've seen in magazines or whatever might've happened, it's not true, I just wanted to let you know that you're all I've been thinking of, Louis. You have to know that I lo-"


The message was over and I was left with a shaking hand, hoping that I hadn't done anything bad to make him possibly ignore me. I closed my eyes, then laid in bed, thinking about the words caught on my tongue that I couldn't say.



Yours Truly, Louis- Larry AUWhere stories live. Discover now