The Proposal

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The day after Kara bought Lena's engagement ring

A week after Lena and Kara both bought rings, Lena knew exactly how she was going to ask Kara to marry her. Kara on the other hand... she was debating on how and when to ask Lena.

Lena planned a romantic sunset dinner on top of their penthouse roof. But she needed some help acting the plan out, and of course Lena wanted Maggie and Alex there.

So she called up Alex while at work "Alex" Lena said into the phone as the agent picked up

"Lena what can I do for you?" Alex said

"Im going to propose to Kara tomorrow night, I want you and Maggie to be there for it" Lena said walking from her desk to her couch

"Okay, Ill meet you at your office tomorrow at lunch and we can act it out then, Ill tell Maggie" Alex said

"Okay, thank you Alex. Really, this means a lot to me" The young Luthor said hanging up the phone.

"Kara I know you can hear me right now, I need you to come" Lena said sitting in her office

----At CatCo----

"Ms.Grant? You called for me?" Kara said walking into Cats office

"Yes Kiera, sit down please" Cat said moving from her desk to her mini bar.

"O-okay" Kara said as she sat down on the couches in the office "What did you need Ms.Grant?"

"I want you to take this box and pack your things." Cat said as she handed Kara a bankers box.

"Am I being fired Ms.Grant?" Kara said confused as she took the box

"No, you are being promoted... again" Cat said dragging Kara to her old office and started helping the blonde pack her personal items

"To what? And I am honored Ms.Grant" The blonde said snapping out of her temporary daze

"As a full fledged reporter/journalist" Cat said not giving Kara the time to process what she just said as she took the box and walked out of the small office

"Oh my Rao" Kara said squealing "Ms.Grant, thank you so so much"

Cat and Kara walked into the elevator and went one floor up, when they reached the floor, Cat walked into the largest office there was, It just so happened to have a balcony too.

"Here you go Kiera, decorate however you want and that balcony should be good use to you" Cat said putting the bankers box down on the table that was there

"What do you mean about the balcony Ms.Grant?" Kara said blushing at Cat who was clearly hinting something at her

"Stop playing coy, Kara. I know you're SuperGirl, your disguise is literally a pair of glasses and a ponytail. That being said, this way you do not have to continue to sneak away because you also do not report to anyone but me, and you're getting a slight raise. Just do me a favor and don't have sex in here too loud" Cat said flustering Kara even more

"Ms.Grant!" Kara said as red as a tomato "Thank you really" The blonde hero said moving closer to Cat to give her a hug

"Also, I want exclusive interviews with Supergirl whenever I want. You talk to no one but me" Cat said letting go of the blonde

"Of course Ms.Grant" Kara said as Cat turned to walk out of the office

With a squeal Kara got changed into her Supergirl outfit and bolted out the balcony doors and straight to L-Corp.

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