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Kara woke up to Lena wrapped all around her.
She moved over to face Lena.

'She so beautiful' Kara thought to herself as she kissed Lena's forehead. Kara got up and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. She got to the kitchen and looked at the clock, 6:55am it read. Alex was going to be here any moment with Maggie.

Kara prepared Coffee and pancakes and made the table. A few minutes later she heard a knock on the door.

"Hey Sis" Alex said as Kara opened the door.

Kara engulfed Alex into a hug pulling her into the apartment

"Hey Little Danvers" Maggie said walking behind Alex

"Hey Maggie" Kara said hugging her

"Hey Kara, you have an extra plate set out" Alex said in confusion

Just as the older Danvers sister said that Lena came walking out of Kara's bedroom in Kara's clothes

Alex and Maggie both glared at Kara who couldn't help but blush and adjust her glasses

"Morning" Lena said trying to break the awkward silence

"Morning, it's 7:15, you can grab a quick shower I'll lay out a dress you can wear today" Kara said trying not to make eye contact

"Thanks" Lena said walking away from the kitchen and into the bathroom, Kara following behind her

After a few minutes Kara gave Lena a dress to wear and headed back into the kitchen to let Lena shower

Kara walked into the kitchen to find Maggie and Alex staring at her with smirks

"So Lena stayed over last night? In your bed with your clothes on?" Alex said making fun of Kara

"Damn Little Danvers, you move quickly" Maggie said

"Shut up, she only stayed because we lost track of time watching scary movies" Kara retorted at the duo

"Oh yeah? I bet Little Danvers that that was all you were doing" Maggie said smirking

Kara's eyes lit up showing an embarrassed smile

"Maggie stop teasing her, you can tease her once she finally gets the girl" Alex said smacking Maggie's arm

The Tv suddenly flickered onto the news broadcast. Kara's eyes were full of terror and fear, it was L-Corp being held hostage by CADMUS. Suddenly Lillian appeared on the screen

"Come and get her, SuperGirl" Lillian said with and evil smirk then the broadcast cut black

"Who is Lillian talking about? Who does she want you to get?" Maggie said befuddled

"Lena" Kara said whispering as she dashed into her room to put her Super Suit

"Kara where are you going?" Alex said sternly

"To get Lena" Kara said dashing towards the balcony

"Kara stop! I know you love her but it's a trap, Lillian could kill you!" Alex said with fear in her voice

"I don't care, I'm not letting Lillian hurt her" Kara said speeding away from the balcony

She landed on the balcony of Lena's office at L-Corp in record time. Kara crept through the office slowly keeping her guards up. When Lillian walked out of the shadow with a knife to Lena's throat

"Hello SuperGirl" Lillian said with a evil smirk

A/N- Hey guys sorry for the short chapter, I've been busy with school work but I promise I'll try to make the chapters longer and update them quicker

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