A Super and a Luthor

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Original Post was Feb 10, 2018

Supergirl just saved Lena once again from her mother and deranged brother, Lillian and Lex Luthor. As Supergirl fly's off Lena's balcony of her office at L-Corp, she can't help but think of what just happened.

Kara was deep in though on her way back to the DEO. 'What if Lena got seriously hurt?' She thought to herself, she couldn't bear the thought of losing her best friend, let alone the woman she loves. 
Kara lands at the DEO without being aware her sister, Alex is talking to her. Until Alex snaps her fingers in front of Kara's face.

"Hey are you okay?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just thinking." Kara replied.

"You sure? Do you want to talk about it?" Alex asked with care.

"No, its fine. Hey are we still on for sister night?" Kara asks trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, do you mind if Maggie comes tonight?.. She gets off from work early."

"Yeah sure, of course Maggie can come, I'd like to get to know her better."

----------- A FEW HOURS LATER-----------

Kara still deep in thought about Lena Luthor. She cant stop thinking about her. There's something about her that can't make Kara stop thinking about her, and it isn't the fact that she is a Luthor.

She loves her.

A Super loving a Luthor.

Just as Kara pull out her phone to text Lena, she hears a knock on the door. It's Alex and Maggie.

Kara opens the door.

"Hey Sis!" Kara remarks.

"Hey, I brought pizza and potstickers!" Alex sing-says, watching Kara bounce up and down.

"And I brought beer!" Maggie said as she enters in after Alex.

"Hey Maggie!!!"

"Hey Little Danvers." Maggie says chuckling.

The three women made their way over to the couch with their food and beer in hand. 

About an hour had past and the three sat there and talked, Kara was still lost in thought, she couldn't stop thinking about Lena.

"Kara!" Alex says snapping Kara out of her thought. "Are you okay? You've barely touched your food."

"Yeah, I'm just thinking.." Kara replied.

"That's what you said earlier," Alex said. "What are you really thinking about?"

"Lena Luthor. I think I love her.." Kara said looking at the floor blushing.

"Damn, I owe Maggie 20 bucks now." Alex says as she hands Maggie 20 bucks.

"I told you Danvers Jr. over here has a crush on a Luthor!" Maggie said smirking.

"Wait what?!?!?!? Maggie how'd you know?" Kara says defensively.

"Oh cmon Jr." Maggie says, "I see the way you look at her. You look at her like she's one of your potstikers!"

"Wha-- I do not!!!" Kara says defending herself. "Besides, even if I do, it's not like she'd like me. I'm just me and she's the CEO of L-Corp!"

"That's not true." Alex says, trying to comfort her sister ,"I see the way Lena looks at you, she loves you too Kara."

"I don't know, I mean what should I do?" Kara says desperately.

"Well considering it only being 7pm, you could go over to L-Corp and telling her the truth." Maggie says as she's shoving pizza down her throat.

"Yeah-- yeah you're right, I'll go ahead and do that." Kara says getting up.

"THANKS!" She yells back as shes running out the door.


Kara arrives at L-Corp headed up to Lena's office being escorted by Jess, Lena's assistant.

"Hey Jess, is Lena in her office?"

"Yes, you can just go ahead and walk straight into her office, I don't think she'll mind."

Kara walks up to Lena's office, opening the door carefully making sure Lena wasn't too disturbed.

"Hey Lena!" Kara says with a smile.

"Kara! What a nice surprise," Lena says. "What can I do you for?"

"Hey I hope you don't mind that I stopped by, I was just wondering if we could talk and hang out." Kara said unable to make eye contact.

"Yeah, sure what's up Kara?" Lena said walking over to the couch.

"Well I kind of have something important to tell you," Kara says making her way to sit next to Lena.

"Oh? And what is it?"

"Lena I like you, a lot."

"I like you too Kara, but what is it that you wanted to tell me?"

"No I don't think you understand, I like you, like you." Kara says as she pushes up her glasses nervously.


"Oh?" A tinge of guilt playing on Kara's face.

"Kara... It's not that I don't like you..."

Suddenly a flash appeared out of no where. The doors swung open as Lillian Luther stepping into the room, gun in her hand.

A/N- sorry for a short chapter, I'm still trying to get a hang of writing stories, I'll try to put 1 or 2 new chapters up every week please vote and continue reading and feel free to send me chapter plots, also there will be some smut in here eventually, I'll give you guys a warning for those who do not want to read it.

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