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Original Posted on February 10, 2018

"Alex, Maggie!" Winn yelled down the hall running towards them.

"What happened?!?! Where's Kara?!?!" James said following Winn down the hall.

"The doctors took her up to surgery a few hours ago." Maggie responded.

James looked at Alex, she could barely keep herself together, then his gaze moved down to Lena in a wheelchair.

"What are you doing here, Luthor," he said with a growl.

"James, leave her alone." Alex said standing up for Lena.

"No! She's the reason Kara is in that room, she is the reason Kara got shot!" James yelled back.

"James, were all hurting just leave her alone, she's Kara's bestfriend." Winn said grabbing James' arm trying to pull him away.

"If she doesn't make it out alive, I'm coming for you Luthor," James said walking to the other end of the hall.

Lena, befuddled and hurt turned to Alex and stated, "Alex, Maggie, I'm going to return to L-Corp, please update me on Kara's condition." Lena said turning the wheelchair towards the exit.

"No, Lena you don't have to leave, it's okay, Kara would want you here," Alex said trying to convince Lena to stay.

"No, it's fine, James is right I shouldn't be here, she's in there because of me." Lena said hurrying towards the exit.

"I'll be right back," Maggie said to Alex chasing Lena before she leaves.

"Hey Little Luthor," Maggie said putting her hand on Lena's shoulder, "let's go talk."

Lena nodded and allowed Maggie to push her in the wheelchair towards the exit, they stopped just as soon as they found a bench for Maggie to sit in.

"Listen, don't take what James said personally, he's just hurting." Maggie said sympathetically.

"I know, we all are. But he's right, Kara is in there because of me." Lena said looking directly into Maggie's golden brown eyes.

"Look Little Luthor, we all have our flaws, but Kara would want you here." Maggie said trying to reassure Lena, "Little Danvers May not tell you up to your face, but she love you, a lot"

Lena sat there in disbelief, 'maybe I could have a future with her,' Lena thought.

"I love her too." Lena shyly mumbled.

"I know you do," Maggie said with a smirk, "I see the way you two look at each other, both of you have enough sexual tension to make a room explode!" Maggie continued, "Now c'mon, let's go back to the others."

Lena nodded and the two walked back to the hallway, Maggie saw Dr. King talking and walking up to Alex, Winn, and James. She looked down at Lena and they both nodded to each other and rushed towards the doctor waiting for an update.

"Dr. King," Maggie said with a nod, "do you have any new updates for us?"

"Yes, I do actually," King said. "Supergirl is out of surgery, we moved her back into the room, we successfully removed the bullets, but Kara has some brain damage, she's in a Kryptonite induced coma, I can take you guys up to see her," he finished.

Alex choking back tears replied, "Please."

Maggie, James, Winn, Alex, and Lena made their wait with Dr. King to Kara's room. "Will she wake up?" James finally asked.

"We're not sure," King said. "The more you guys are around her, giving her attention and love, the more likely she will wake up." King said as they entered into Kara's room.

Kara had machines all over her, she had a tube down her throat breathing for her and needles poked into her skin hooked up to medicine so she doesn't feel pain, and an IV.

Alex slumped down next to Kara in a chair instantly grabbing her hand, "Come on Kara, please wake up, we're all here rooting for you." Alex said pleadingly.

"Hey, Alex c'mon let's sit down on the couch," Maggie said nodding towards the couch.

"No." Alex said blankly, "I'm not leaving her side."

"Alex, we wont leave the room, we'll be right here okay?" Maggie said trying to convince her girlfriend. "You haven't slept in the past 24 hours, take a nap on the couch, I'll wake you up if anything happens, I promise. "

"Okay.." Alex said reluctantly as she got up to kiss Kara's forehead.

Maggie and Alex walked over to the couch and plopped themselves down. Alex rested her head on Maggie's shoulder. Maggie kissed Alex's forehead.

"You know you haven't slept in the past 24 hours either?" Alex sleepily said to Maggie

"I know, but I haven't been the one crying all night, " Maggie responded.

Alex didn't respond back, she fell asleep on Maggie.

Lena moved herself to hold Kara's hand.

"Don't you dare leave me, I need you Kara." Lena said holding back tears.

Lena moved to kiss Kara's cheek. "I love you." Lena said to Kara lovingly as she put her head down to fall asleep with Kara.

Winn and James moved to sit on the chairs in the room. James giving Lena a dirty look, getting up before realizing it.

"James, leave her alone." Maggie said trying to keep her voice down so she doesnt disturb her slumbering girlfriend, before James noticed that he was already standing up.

"Kara is in here because of her." James said with anger trying to be quite as possible.

"James, we all love her, and we're all hurting, but it's Kara, of course she'd risk her life for her bestfriend. " Winn said grabbing James by the upper arm, "Just sit down and relax."

"I'll relax once Kara is okay." James said.

J'onn walked into the room staring at James. "Mr. Olsen, I believe you as the Guardian should go out into National City, and protect its citizens, Winn help him as the Man in the Van, it's the least we can do for Kara and her city." J'onn said with a hint of sadness.

James and Winn both reluctantly walked out of the room.

"Thank you," Maggie said to J'onn as he walked away, he just nodded.

"C'mon, Little Danvers, you better pull through or I'll kill you myself" Maggie mumbled at Kara as a tear fell down her cheek.

Maggie instantly wiped off the tear from her cheek before it fell on Alex, and before someone noticed.

A/N- Hey guys, sorry for short chapters, ive decided to keep them short so i can post more daily/weekly keep reading!! also is it just me or does anyone else really want Lena and Kara to actually get together in the actual tv show??

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