The Rings

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This is the day Alex and Lena are supposed to 'hang out' and look for a ring for Kara, but Kara doesn't know what they're really going to do. So before Alex and Maggie make their way to Kara and Lena's apartment, Kara snuck out of the apartment and made her way to Maggie and Alex's place. 

"Alex!" Kara said as she was let into the apartment after knocking on the door 

"Kara, its 6am in the morning and we're seeing you guys later today, what's so important that you couldn't wait 2 more hours?" Alex said as she made her way towards her girlfriend who was making coffee 

"Lil' Danvers you okay there?" Maggie asked the blonde who was pacing in her living room 

"IwanttoaskLenatomarryme" Kara said in a blur 

"Whoa, Okay Kara." Alex said "Can you repeat that but slower so we can understand what you just said" 

"I--" Kara started just before stopping to move and sit down at the counter next to Alex "I want to ask Lena to marry me" The blonde made out 

"Okay then..." Maggie said excusing herself to the couch before she could say anything else. Of course Alex had told Maggie what Lena and Alex talked about the previous night on their way back to the apartment. 

"Kara." Alex said before she was cut off by Kara 

"No Alex, I dont want to hear anything about how she's a Luthor and that we haven't been dating long. I dont care. I love her and she makes me happy" Kara said standing up and moving across the room "I only came here to tell you to ask if Maggie would come with me today and look for engagement rings while you're hanging out with Lena" 

"Kara. I was going to tell you im so happy for you" Alex said once Kara was done talking " And I think that its a good idea for Maggie to go with you" 

"Well... great" Kara said a little dumbfounded at the fact that her sister was okay with everything. "Well then... I will see the both of you later. Im going to go and get Lena's favorite coffee from Cuba." Kara said as she hugged her sister and Maggie goodbye. 

"Those two are going to be the deaths of us" Alex said as Kara took off 

"Ill say" Maggie grumbled as she walked up to her girlfriend and pecked her lips.

---- Back at Kara and Lena's apartment ----

"Morning baby" Kara said as she kissed Lena awake. 

"Hmm Morning Love" Lena said wiping the sleep from her eyes "Did you make breakfast and coffee? Because I smell something really delicious outside" 

"Lena we both know I cannot cook" Kara said laughing as the two made their way out to the kitchen "No, I got up early to fly to that one coffee shop you like in Cuba. I got your favorite along with the tarts you like from the Canadian bakery, and freshly picked strawberries from Japan." Kara said as she pulled out a seat for Lena. 

"Thanks love, but you didn't have to do that for me" Lena said giving Kara a not so chaste kiss

"Hmm. As much as I would love to take this further, you need to eat and get ready before Alex and Maggie get here" Kara said pulling away and sitting next to the brunette. 

"hmm okay love" Lena said digging into her breakfast. "How did you manage to keep it hot?" She said taking a sip of the coffee 

"Heat vision" The blonde said in between bites "Also, Maggie and I are going to hang out and bond a bit while you and Alex are out today" 

"Okay Love. Im going to go get ready" Lena said as she finished her breakfast 

---- 2 hours later----

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