SuperGirl/Kara Davers/Kara Zor-El

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Lena was being held by Lillian,  I could feel my blood boiling.

"Let go of her" I said anger in my voice

"There's only one way you'll get her" Lillian said, "So it seems to me that my daughter has grown quite fondly of you, well not you, but more of Kara Danvers" Lillian continued with a smirk on her face

"What is she talking about?" Lena said in confusion

"Tell her, or I'll kill her" Lillian said pushingly

"You wont do it, you might not be the best mother, but she still is your daughter" I said trying to reason with her

Lillian pushed the knife closer to Lena's throat cause her to wince and drip blood

"OKAY!! Okay, ill tell her" I said with guilt in my eyes

"Tell me what?" Lena said with confusion and pain

I reluctantly pulled my glasses out and slipped them on. I turn my head to face Lena, her face shocked with complete and utter disbelief.

"Im, Kara Danvers" I said reluctantly, "SuperGirl is Kara Danvers"

Lena couldn't look at Kara, she was hurt that the one person she trusted, the one person she loved betrayed her and lied to her for months.

------- 3RD PERSON POINT OF VIEW-----------

"Lena, please" Kara began but was cut off by Lena

"save it, I don't want to hear anymore of your lies" Lena said harshly

Kara couldn't say anything, her blood ran cold in her, she was in pain, the woman she loved didn't believe her anymore, she didn't trust her.

Lena facing away from Kara and turning towards Lena "Now mother, what is it that you came here for, surely you didn't just come here to sever my attachment with the Super" Lena said cooly

"You're right my dear daughter, I didn't, I cam here to recruit you" Lillian answered

"Okay then, lets go" Lena said walking past Kara and towards her mother

"Not so fast" Lillian said, "I have to be sure you're completely loyal to me" handing a gun to Lena

"Whats this for?" Lena said questioningly

"Prove your loyalty to me, Kill SuperGirl" Lillian said smirking

"Normal bullets don't take affect on me" Kara said

"Well that's a good thing that they aren't normal bullets, they're Kryptonite bullets" Lillian said with joy

Lena cocked the gun and aimed for Kara. Kara couldn't believe what she was seeing, As Lena fired, Kara sped away only to be caught by the throat by Cyborg SuperMan (The real Hank Henshaw).

Hank held Kara still as Lena aimed.

"No Lena please don't do this" Kara said pleading, fear in her eyes

Lena looked Kara dead in the eyes and fired. The bullet hit Kara in the abdomen. Kara collapsed on the floor. She couldn't believe Lena actually shot her, she didn't know what hurt more Lena shooting her or the bullet imbedded in her skin.

Kara was bleeding out all over the floor pain and sorrow in her eyes, she couldn't help but cry. She felt faint and the sides of her vision were starting to go black

"Freeze" she heard a familiar voice say, it was Maggie.

Kara saw Cyborg SuperMan move to attack Maggie, she couldn't let Alexs' girlfriend die, with all of Kara's remaining strength she shot the Cyborg in the head with her heat vision. Kara passed out, the last thing she saw was Maggie and Alex bent down near her and yelling for medical emergency as Lena and Lillian were being handcuffed, Lena staring cold dead into Kara's eyes. She could tell that Lena had regretted shooting her.

Kara's vision went black and she felt nothing but complete numbness and the dark creeping up behind her.

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