Zombie In Sheep's clothing

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                  Joseph led us quickly through the halls of the establishment. At this point the people in charge had figured out something was wrong, red lights flashed in the halls – yet no siren rang. They must have thought it would be too noticeable for outside undead.

He led us to a back door which he somewhat quickly unlocked with his keys. He was still twitchy since the transition. My hand was clamped down on my shoulder, remnants of blood remaining. He opened the door, and we were led outside.

I couldn't tell where we were – not that I normally could, it was just that this place looked extremely unfamiliar.

"Follow me..." He quickly took my hand and dragged me to follow him. Cody and Riley followed behind us.

It felt like we stumbled around for hours before we were in dense woods, my favorite. Nothing better than being in an unfamiliar forest while the sun was setting. It really made my day.

So much had happened today, my mind was whirling, and I was still slightly confused.

Joseph let out a growling noise, he must be hungry, very hungry. His only meal so far was the slab of meat he ripped from my shoulder.

"I need a distraction – or something, I can't stop thinking about the flesh that I ripped from you; how fresh it tasted, how juicy –" He started closing his eyes, murmuring in a quiet way.

"Can you not talk about my flesh in that way, it is kind of creepy." I moved towards Cody, hoping to put some distance between Joseph and I.

He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself, "I am sorry, I am sure my behavior is unacceptable – especially around your boyfriend."

I squinted my eyes at him, my gaze flicking between Cody and Joseph, jutting out my thumb at Cody, "We aren't dating. I love him like a son." The thought of being Cody's boyfriend was almost unbearably uncomfortable.

A snicker came from Riley at my comment, whilst Joseph looked at me confused. His mouth opening and closing a couple times before he raised his eyebrows as if understanding something.

He nodded his head, "Ah, I didn't see it before, but it makes sense. He definitely looks at you with a certain form of longing and need." He pointed at Riley.

Now it was Cody's turn to snicker – no, he bellowed with laughter.

I breathed in harshly and Riley made a choking noise.

"No!" Riley and I both shouted.

I glared at him, and he glared back.

"I definitely am NOT looking at her with any form of longing or 'need'," he shivered as though the thought was unbearable and disgusting. He crossed his arms looking rather peeved.

"Certainly you are, your eyes always seem to follow her –"

Riley cut off Joseph with a menacing glare. "I guarantee you, if you attempt to finish that sentence I will rip out your throat before you can get the last word out."

I could only laugh uncomfortably, "Now, now, let's not get ahead of ourselves – "

Joseph continued, almost wishing for death, only he didn't continue his previous sentence, "I mean, honestly I'd be more surprised if you didn't. Maya is a looker. I mean she has long legs and a pretty face."

Some awkward noises made their way out of my mouth, my cheeks burned, "Please stop, you are making this weird." I wrapped my arms around myself, "And please refrain from looking at my legs... or me at all."

Joseph's eyes switched, they seemed to flicker with a glint of mischief. I didn't like the look of it, he seemed simply a nutcase when we were in the lab.

"Oh, do you not enjoy me talking about how attractive you are. I'm honestly surprised this dense boy over here hasn't made a move. If I were him I would have already made sure you were mine." Joseph let out a dark chuckle.

I went to reach for Cody's hand and to walk away, too flustered to bother with explaining where I was going – but, Joseph grabbed me first, pulling me towards him.

Cody's eyes darkened, and he went to near Joseph, but Joseph raised a hand to stop him.

"Riley what kind of man allows what's clearly his to be taken so easily." Joseph muttered his face nearing mine.

My fist clenched, "I am not anyone's you perverted twerp." Furrowing my brows, I pulled my head away from him.

Riley let out a dark growl, "Joseph let her go."

"Why should I? She isn't yours." His eyes gleamed darkly at Riley. His dark curls covering his face partially.

Before Cody could intervene, before Joseph could get too close, Riley ripped Joseph off me.

He let out a moan of pain as he hit the ground – not that I was extremely focused on him.

My attention was on the soft pair of lips that were pressed against mine. My eyes widened almost to the point where they would burst.

Riley tilted my chin up, gently yet with force, deepening the kiss.

I stood motionless, unsure of how to react.

Why was this happening?

I didn't have time to register my actions, I pushed Riley away from me, he staggered back.

My fingers lightly traced my lips.

Riley looked at me, his eyes were dark, yet they were filled with uncertainty.

"No. You shouldn't have done that –" I shook my head backing up, running into Cody who stood behind me.

His expression was solemn, but for some reason it felt like he wanted me to stay.

Riley opened his mouth a few times before speaking, "You can't tell me you haven't felt at least something – once or twice a spark."

Joseph from the ground opened decided to speak, "I'm sorry to trigger that. It seemed like a desperate situation from what I seen on the cameras."

My face darkened in redness, I moved past Cody. This stupid devil was messing with my heart, I was sure at this point if it was still beating it would burst.

"No. I have never felt a spark for someone like you. I'm not one of your whores." I whispered the words, instantly regretting part of it.

Riley cursed, more than I ever had heard before. "Just go. You are right. I thought you'd be easy like Cailyn, but, you are such a pain to be around."

I wasn't sure what was worse, the way he looked at me with such hurting eyes, or the sharp tone of his words.

I nodded, picking a direction I numbly started to leave.

Cody called after me, but I ignored him. He was just like Joseph.

What? Did they think Riley and I were meant to be together or something? What kind of drugs could they have been using to see that?

All these thoughts rang around my head as I started to run into the woods.


*Authors Note*

Hi everyone! Thank you so so much for sticking with this story for so long. I appreciate you all unbelievably so. <3

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