Kill Me Undead

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                       He dragged me down different halls, I cautiously looked around. This area was strangely empty. In fact, this whole thing was weird.

"They are in here," He gestured towards the door at the end of the hall.

If it weren't for the screws he had loose he would be pretty attractive, with his loosely curled hair and brown eyes.

Focus. Maya. Now is not the time to think about how pretty the psycho doctor is in front of you.

Shaking my head, he pushed me into the room before him. A bored looking Cody and Riley lounged about the room.

Soo glad they were actively trying to figure a way to help me. Jerks.

They stood up when we entered, wide-eyed they looked at me and the doctor – well, Cody looked at me, Riley seemed to avoid my direction at all costs. Mainly focusing on the doctor.

They both seemed rather tense, if anything, they looked hungry. This could either bode well for the doctor or terribly.

"My name is Joseph, we don't have much time... I want to be one of you. Please, do me the honors of changing me. All it takes is a bite right?" The doctor, named Joseph apparently, started to beg them to change him.

When no one moved or said anything he looked back and forth between me and my friends.

"Please—Why aren't they saying anything?" His eyes grew wide with panic, and he latched onto me.

Riley let out a growling noise, something I hadn't expected.

"First off, however attractive you may be, please don't climb on me." I peeled Joseph off of my side, "Cody, Riley, please one of you at least try to change him. He helped me, shouldn't we help him?"

Cody and Riley both exchanged glances, seeming to discuss through a mind link. Although, as far as I am concerned is not a zombie perk.

Riley bared his teeth, "I'll do it. One bite should do it," he neared Joseph, grabbing his arm and bringing it to his mouth, "Sorry if I end up devouring you." A sickly grin appeared on Riley's face seconds before he bit down.

A part of me wanted to reject, this was kind of disgusting to watch. I felt like I was back at square one on zombie training.

I heaved when Riley took a clump out of Joseph's hand. Not a small chunk either. He did it on purpose.

Joseph was screaming bloody murder at this point. I was tempted to punch him to shut him up, but I was more distracted by the heavy breathing and dark blood dripping from Riley's mouth. His eyes flickering my direction.

He cursed a few times before stomping over to Cody who was no longer looking at the scene. He was shaking, clearly constraining himself.

Moments of silence passed, I watched Joseph writhe in pain and bleed from his hand.

My mouth was slightly agape, I swallowed dryly, "What about me?" The realization truly dawned on me then, Joseph slowly paling in color, his screams dying out.

Cody who had been quiet the whole time spoke up, his voice raspy, "What about you?"

"Someone needs to do that to me, right? I'm not normal anymore." My voice came out a little weaker than I wanted it to. For some reason the idea of what was happening to Joseph, happening to me again for a second time was putting me on edge.

Ha, normal. What a joke. Nothing was normal anymore.

I held my hand up to my chest where I could feel my heart beating. My eyes filled with a mix of fear and nervousness. I looked up at Riley and Cody.

"We don't have to change you back. It's fine, at least part of you is still like us." Riley seemed almost angry with me.

I shook my head, "No." My head turned towards the door that lead outside. "I either leave this room or get a chunk taken out of me, once Joseph fully turns who knows how hungry he will be for human flesh. Even if it is partly tainted."

Joseph was writhing on the floor, not that anyone was really paying mind to him, I could tell he was regenerating as a zombie.

"We have to decide now..." I trailed off, unsure of what would be best for everyone. There was no way I could stay in this condition, not only was Joseph a major hazard, but even if they denied it Cody and Riley were struggling as it was to remain in control of their zombie instincts.

Cody and Riley looked at my sympathetically before walking over to each other and talking in hushed voices.

My eyes glazed over however, as I savored the heartbeat I was feeling underneath my fingertips. I closed my eyes, letting it encompass me.

Stupid move.

Don't close your eyes when a hungry zombie is three feet away from you.


That is what it sounded like when a pair of teeth chomped down on my shoulder.

The stupid pain receptors that were now fully functional in my body were on high alert. I screamed, this hurt worse than the first time. The first time it was a small bite on my hand, this time it was a fully chomp on my shoulder.

Next thing I know I am being shoved off to the side, only slightly bashing into the wall, Riley is yelling, Cody is strangling Joseph, and I am holding my shoulder.

Great memories. I would make sure to remember these fun moments when I died.

My eyes shut, my skin grew cold. It wasn't long until I felt the familiar 'I just got hit by a bus,' feeling in my chest. My heart stopped.

The reaction must've been quicker because I already had some part zombie remaining in my body.

I reopened my eyes, the same dull feeling taking over me. I was back, completely. Just like that, in a blink of an eye.

Cody rushed over to me to help me stand up. I pushed him off of me, and got up by myself.

Pushing past Riley I walked up to our new comrade, reeling back my arm I punched him as hard as I could in the face.

It knocked him back onto his butt.

I could feel the remaining tears stream down my face, until there were none left to fall.

No one said a word, Joseph remained knocked over, holding his cheek.

"You jerks! It may not have been convenient, but it was nice to feel alive again for the first time in so long. I should have just left!" My eyes shot around the room, I was angry and sad.

I should've expected it though, it wasn't meant for me to be alive again. The rhythm of my heart slowly fading from my mind.

I wasn't exactly upset that I was a zombie again, it wasn't the worst. I was upset that it had to happen this way, that any of this had to happen.

My heart felt a mixture of emotions all at once, and since I didn't know what to do I simply got angry.

Cody started to speak up but I cut him off, "It doesn't matter. Let's just figure out how to get out of here. Joseph, you said you could get us out. Do it." I glared down at him, sure it wasn't necessarily his fault he felt those urges to eat whatever is alive, but it felt empowering to see him obediently follow my order.­­­ 

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