Reeking Promises

667 40 3

Riley's Point of View

I couldn't help her. I just had to watch her writhe on the floor, I couldn't bring myself to help her. I was too scared I would end up with her flesh in-between my teeth.

When Cody entered the room and Maya shot up to hug him, his eyes met mine. I could tell he smelled her, the way his eyes darkened. She didn't smell rotten anymore, she smelt fresh, and alive. Sort of like flowers.

Although I was always eager to eat some flesh. Cody was definitely, more violent than I when it came to food, he just managed to hide it around Maya. Surprisingly, she only slightly caught on that Cody was violent. Cody could be colder than I when it came to the treatment of the people.

Him and I had grown to be true killers. I don't feel bad for who I kill, for the most part, and neither does Cody.

When they came and took her, I felt so useless as I watched her being dragged out of the room. I felt so on edge, I was at a tipping point of anger. They had been giving us food, but it wasn't enough. It wasn't human flesh with the joy of the hunt included.

My instincts were twitching to do something, to eat. I had to calm myself otherwise I would get out of control.

Cody's hand touched my shoulder, "Man, are you okay?"

I nodded at him, leaning back against the wall. Her smell still lingered in the room and it was ticking me off.

"They turned her back human." Short and simple. I couldn't explain to him how or why, because I had no clue.

Cody nodded, "Something seemed off about her though."

I agreed, something about her still seemed unhuman, but it wasn't enough to draw my attention away from my growling stomach.

His eyes were slivered, he was looking at me curiously, as though he were trying to figure out a puzzle. "Are you sure you are okay?"

My head banged back against the wall, "I am not okay. I wanted to eat her so bad." A pathetic laugh exited my mouth, "I had to focus so hard on anything but her."

Cody frowned. I could tell he understood what I meant. It wasn't a nice feeling to want to eat someone you consider a friend. My eyes met Cody's when from a distance I could hear screaming.

The coagulated blood in my body began to boil. If she was truly back to being human, that meant she felt whatever they were doing to her. From our position Cody and I couldn't do much to help her either.

I slid down to the ground, Cody moved to sit next to me.

We sat in silence listening to her screaming mixed with another's for some time before it all went quiet.

"What did they do to you Cody?"

He shrugged, "I got a few injections, but their main priority was Cailyn. If I can even call her that anymore, whatever was left of Cailyn seems to have vanished."

I clenched my fists, my anger getting the better of me. Everything was fine before these people came along. We were cruising along as zombies, now one of us was psychotic and the other was becoming alive again. Poor Cailyn. She was a decent girl, sometimes. I couldn't say I felt sad for her crazed state, I only felt pity for what she had become.

Cody's expression was cool and chilling. I could tell he was thinking hard, "What are you going to do if Maya does turn fully human again?"

My head turned quickly towards him, "What do you mean?"

"She couldn't be with us anymore, if we escape, if you had trouble controlling yourself imagine me, or other zombies." His voice was cold, but I understood what he was saying, he was hurting I could tell. Cody conveyed his true emotions differently than most people.

Cursing I stood up. Pacing the room. There was no way we could bring her along with us, she would be on her own, if she came with us, there was a huge chance she would be eaten, not only by us but others. I wouldn't know what to do with myself if she got ripped to shreds. The horrific images in my mind flooded all the sensible parts of my brain.

This world wasn't made for the living anymore. It was for the dead.

In an instant my mind cleared, and I knew that I had made a choice. My eyes flickered to Cody's. His eyebrows were furrowed, and he looked seriously at me, almost as though he already figured out what I was going to say.

"If it comes to that..." I paused, thinking carefully about what I was going to say next, going back to the first time I met Maya. "I'll bite her again. I'll change her back." 

*Authors Note*

Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed this special update. I thought it would be interesting to input Riley's POV into this chapter. Let me know how you guys liked it, and what you think of his decision. (:

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