Lost It

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After my disgusting leg seemed to be wrapped enough to walk, Cody helped me up.

I cleared me throat and wiped my face off from the vomit, gross. "I, am, not a bad zombie! There is no expert zombie!" I Shouted at Riley who had moved away to ogle Cailyn.

"Whatever, I don't have time for this I have to get back to the group." He waved me off and left with Cailyn.

Cody only shook his head and laughed, "You two are ridiculous."

I stuck my tongue out at Cody and dragged him behind me, Riley was only right about one thing. We needed to get back to the group. Stranded zombies were usually the easiest, and often used for target practice by the living.

To think anyone would use us, poor lonesome zombies as target practice is just awful! I mean, we may target your family and friends, but that is only because we crave human flesh. Not because we want to kill you. Obviously.

Cody and I walked for sometime, but we couldn't find the horde. "Um...Cody? Any ideas on where the gigantic horde is!?" I asked frantically.

"Nope, we walked past where they should have been, I have no idea." He sighed.

Leave it to me to lose an entire horde. That's not just one or two zombies, that's hundreds. I let out an annoyed groan, and started fussing around trying to figure out where they could have went. That's when I heard devil man's voice.

"Woah, have you guys seen the horde? Can't find them anywhere?" Riley asked walking up to us, Cailyn wrapped under his arm.

"Does it look like we found the horde?" I snapped.

"Ooh, someone's on their time of the month-" He paused scratching his head, thinking, "If that's even a thing while you're dead."

I rolled my eyes and huffed, "That is not a thing-not that it is any of your business anyhow. I was just responding the correct way."

"How's that?" Riley got in my face, challenging me.

"Well, if you are going to ask a dumb question, then I suppose I should answer with a 'smart' answer." I smiled in his face.

"It must've taken some time for you to come up with that, speaking you're not very smart." Riley's face spread into a malicious smile in reply to the now dissipating smile on my face.

"Whatever-" I turned away from him, "We have to find the horde."

"Yep, we sure do. But for now, I think we should find one of these houses to sit in. We don't know when those shooting people will come back out. We still have a while before daylight." Cody interrupted smiling at us.

Ah, Cody, always the best person. He knows just when to interrupt, and I thank him in my heart all the time for it.

*Authors Note*
I am terribly sorry for the lack of updates on this story, I just haven't been in the right mind set to write this story. Please accept this tiny update as a minor apology. <3

 ----That doesn't mean I don't enjoy writing this story, I thoroughly enjoy writing this.----

Thank you! 

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