Deadly Beginnings

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               It's weird how often you hear it; the scream, the gunshot, then hundreds of moaning and groaning sounds from the horde of the undead you just alerted!

I groaned in response to the loud bantering between the horde as they journeyed to the survivor, often it consisted of who would get what part of the body. I enjoyed staying back, away from the gruesome attack on the person's body, their entrails were not on the list of things I wanted to see.

Funny, huh! Never thought, in my life as an eighteen-year-old girl, would I, Maya Johnson, be thinking of someone's entrails. I shivered at the thought.

Yes, I, Maya Johnson, was a zombie. One of the many undead creatures covering the Earth to make the living miserable.

It's ironic really, we spend a large majority of our lives ruling zombies out as an unlikely possibility. We shoot them in video games, and dress up as them on Halloween. Then in a blink of an eye your little sister Susie is devouring a nice, big, human hotdog.

I watched as my dear friend Cody stumbled his way over to me, with a nice chunk of meat in his hands.

"Here you are, Maya." Cody says plopping the piece of meat in my hands. Such delicacy.

I bit into the piece of meat, the blood dripping down my face... Although I was a zombie that craved human flesh, there was a part of my brain that wasn't screwed up, and that part refused to imagine this piece of meat as anything other than a juicy hamburger.

I glared up at Cody as I wiped my mouth with my sleeve. Cody was blonde with green eyes; he was one of the more attractive undead. He wasn't one of the one's that were totally disembodied. Some of us had it lucky, we got one bite and that's it. The rest of them, well they weren't all there, if y'know what I mean.

Cody and I met soon after I was bitten by that devil spawn of a man, he was the cause of this murderous life I live.

"Hey Riley," Cody said smiling at his best friend.

Riley walked up to Cody and I with a cheeky smile on his face. His black hair blowing in the wind and his hazel eyes sparkling with mischief. He was so gorgeous in every way, except for his God awful personality!

"I just enjoy insulting the meal, they look so confused." Riley said snickering. You see, although we can communicate with each other quite easily, when it comes to human's not so much. We know this because a brave undead man named Henry walked up to his wife trying to convince her that it was still him. I guess she didn't get the memo, she shot poor Henry in the head... Tragedy, really. So after a few more people tried speaking or even acting something out we realized all we will ever be viewed as is slow rotting corpses with the same dead facial expressions.

"I don't even know how that's funny. Isn't the whole point of insulting someone to see their reaction?" I retorted, crossing my arms.

"Aw, Maya, you're not still mad about that bite are you?" Riley mockingly said sticking out his bottom lip.

Sadly, it was true. Riley, the gorgeous undead man right in front of me was the devil spawn who bit me! It was when this all began; I was walking on the sidewalk of a street when he ran into me then stumbled a few feet. Being the considerate person I am, I tried to help him, and in return I got teeth marks engraved in my hand. So I punched him and ran home. Only to have a very strange phenomenon take place, it was only a few hours after the bite that I started feeling sick, then a few more hours later, I felt my heart stop.

It was like getting hit by a bus in all honesty, not that I've been hit by one. But I imagine, it is what it would feel like. Just suddenly, all at once, nothing. Trust and believe I was really panicked when this first happened. I looked in the mirror and my skin lost all the tan I worked hard for, my eyes were dull, and I looked awful.

Although the world outside was blazing with fear and disaster, it still hadn't quite processed. I think it really hit me when I stepped outside and saw a living person. The crave inside me made me want to wretch on the spot. I wanted the flesh of the person in front of me, I wanted it so bad that I would have killed them.

I stood there for a while processing the cravings I was enduring, when I noticed another person approaching my target. He slowly grabbed the panicked lady who swung a little too close, and received a nice bite from my best friend, Cody.

However, Cody, he wasn't one to stop at one bite. I think this was the first ultimate kill I witnessed. After the very vile event I swore never to kill someone, I would fend off of leftovers. And that's exactly what started my friendship with Cody, I just sauntered on over to him and asked him if he could give me some. He obliged, although he did so looking very confused.

The moment I sank my teeth into the flesh of a once living human being, I knew for sure.

I was a zombie,

And I was going to hate every second of it.

Authors Note*

Hey everybody, I wanted to try this story out as a test. I really enjoyed writing it (:.

I hope to catch you in the next chapter, and I hope you enjoyed it as well.

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