Zombie Troubles

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    I desperately wanted to cover my ears but feared getting shot. This was my last chance at living and I didn't want to ruin it because of some tough man's screaming. If Cody didn't get murdered here I might murder him myself when we get out of this.

I watched as Cody took a huge clump out of the man's leg and I had to close my eyes in order to keep the bile from my stomach from coming out of my mouth. Surprisingly the bullets that were shot didn't reach Cody, they reached the poor gunman who faced the wrath of a hungry Cody. Poor man, he wobbled and then collapsed to the ground with several bullets impaled in his face. You think I would be used to this now.

After orders from sir-shoots-a-lot the group of men in trucks left. I watched as several of the other zombies "playing dead" got up and began walking again, some kicking others on the ground to see if they were ultimately dead or not. I helped Cody up from the ground and rolled my eyes at him, he was acting all smug like he was the reason that they left. Which he probably was.

"Does it hurt?" I asked Cody seriously.

He seemed to think that was hilarious, "Does it hurt? Are you serious? I'm the undead, no way does it hurt."

"Yes, all mighty undead, I am sorry for doubting you." I said shoving him playfully.

Riley walked up to Cody high fiving him and congratulating him for the ultimate kill. It was hardly ultimate all he did was bite a chunk out of the guy's leg. Anyone could do that.

"It wasn't that impressive," I said rolling my eyes. Riley let out an aggravated sigh.

"You couldn't even stomach it, that's right I saw you close your eyes. I didn't think anyone could be bad at being a zombie, but I think you proved me wrong!"

"I'm not bad at being a zombie!" I huffed crossing my arms.

"You certainly are, all you do is complain, and throw up when some sort of 'zombie action' occurs."

"I don't complain all the time." I said sticking out my lip.

"Oh, but you do! I'm surprised Cody can even stand you."

I looked at Cody who was putting his hands up, "You guys, don't drag me into this."

"Isn't she a little whiner though?" Riley asked Cody as though I wasn't there.

"Hey idiot, I'm right here." I said wedging myself between them.

"Say it Cody!" He yelled at Cody.

"Say what?" I questioned looking between the two of them.

"You are kind of weak stomached for a-uh, zombie." Cody mumbled looking everywhere but me.

"Cody! That's not fair! Hey, at least I still have some of my humanity left. Jerks!" I pushed past them both and walked into a random direction. I couldn't believe they thought I was a pitiful zombie. I could hear Cody berating Riley for making him say that as I stomped away.

"And to think I was going to help Cody not bleed everywhere." I muttered spitefully.

I ran into Cailyn who looked lost as usual and pushed past her angrily as she threw several un-lady like words at me. I ignored the calls for me to stop and just kept walking, I decided to head towards the woods. Heck, if they can be considered 'good zombies' so could I! I was going to prove to them that I was able to kill someone too!

I could hear them trail after me in the woods as I stomped through them. Their subtlety really needed some work. If they were trying to be quite it wasn't working at all.

I finally noticed a small little cabin with the lights on inside. The only thought running through my head was that this was my chance! My chance to prove that I was just as good a zombie as anyone else.

I crept towards the small cabin silently, listening for any type of noise on the inside. Everything was quiet. I decided to stalk the woods behind the cabin and wait patiently for any sort of prey to exit the building. Look! I was already starting to sound like a real zombie, I called the living my prey. I let out a small cackle and took another step in my rounds around the building.

Not looking at the ground was a mistake. Taking another step my foot was submerged into the ground. But that didn't stop me from moving, no... The only thing that stopped me from moving was the loud cracking noise I heard coming from the area where my leg stepped into.

My eyes widened and my breathing was quickened, if I ever wanted to know what a heart attack felt like well now I do! I eased my way to the ground my eyes practically popping out of their sockets.

"Maya?" Cody called.

"Yeah, I'm right here." I answered. Cody rounded the same corner as me and spotted me sitting on the ground with a terrified look on my face. He called for the others and Riley and Cailyn popped up behind him.

Riley started dying laughing when he saw me sitting in the dirt. Idiot.

"What's wrong," Cody said bending next to me.

"I think I just broke my leg." I said breathlessly.

Riley stopped laughing and pulled my leg gently out of the ground. I heard him laugh and start cursing.

"Oh my GOD!" I yelled, there was a bloodied bone sticking out of my leg. If I thought I was panicking before, now I was literally dying. "Do something! Oh my god, that is so gross."

"Okay, okay. Cody give me your jacket; we need to tie her bone back in." Riley said bending down to treat my leg.

"You're going to tie my bone back in with his jacket!" I exclaimed wide eyed. "Are you insane? Are you a doctor?"

"I wish I was, then I could knock you out..." He mumbled then paused, "Someone get me a rock."

"You are not knocking me out with a rock! What is wrong with you!?" I screeched.

"Okay, I'm going to put this back inside your leg, then tie it up on three. One- "Riley started pulling then pushing the bone back into place.

"I'm going to be sick..." I gagged at the blood and flesh coming from my leg. "Wait, wait- "I said stopping Riley from wrapping it with a jacket. "What the heck is going to hold the bone together, if I stand up isn't it going to go right through my foot or something?!" My panic mode had reached one hundred by now.

"I didn't think of that," Riley said swearing, "Although I doubt it'd go through your foot. Cody go check that persons house for something to hold her bone together." Riley ordered.

Cody obliged and went to search for something to hold my poor broken bone together with; while I laid back and prayed to every person I could think of to keep the throw up down. After several moments Cody returned, his face freshly dripping with blood.

"What did you take a dessert break?!" I snapped at him. He shook his head and smiled, while handing Riley some tools to keep the bone together. At this point I didn't care, as long as I never had to look at my leg again.

"I'm guessing someone was in the cabin?"

He nodded, "Yeah some sweaty guy with a hatchet. He tried swinging at me a couple times, but alas I was quicker; however, I don't know if I like the taste of sweat on my meals."

That did it for me, I turned on my side and heaved my meals from earlier, which only made me throw up even more. I didn't stop till my stomach was empty. I really wanted to cry at this point, but that quickly turned to anger when I heard Riley mutter, "Worst Zombie Ever."


Authors Note

Hey everyone, thanks so much for reading this chapter of Life as the Undead!

I absolutely love writing this story and cant wait to write more of these chapters!

Please comment, vote, and follow me! <3

Catch you in the next chapter!

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