Lab Rats

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                  I won't speak for all zombies because that would be unbelievably unfair. But I know for myself, just because I am already partially dead, doesn't mean I want to be completely dead.

If my brain is still running, I am alive. So, the fact that I keep getting injections is not doing well for me, because if they are killing me slowly!? How cruel could they be!

I really shouldn't be too worried about dying here, speaking the lady wants to play doctor with me, but the idea that she could easily end me makes me angry.

I work too hard as a zombie to deserve this treatment, I am an A+ zombie. I belong in a resort for zombies, because of my superiority compared to others.

Who am I kidding? I am going to die – like actually die this time – because of some crazy smart lady. She probably wants to see if she can reverse the effects of the bite... Which now that I think about it, sounds fantastic! I would get to become human once more.

In reality? She is probably programming us to become a part of her zombie army, and she will take over the world. That is usually how these things pan out.

Letting out a sigh I stared across at Cailyn, who seemed to be sleeping peacefully in her tiny, clear box.

I inched towards the door tapping on it, attempting to get her attention. She should be able to hear it.

Her eyes slowly slid open, pausing momentarily she looked at me with a completely blank expression.

In the next moment, she launched herself at the door, her teeth bared and her eyes were entirely black. I can't deny I screamed, because I did. I like to think anyone would scream at a slightly deranged and currently insane zombie launching themselves at you.

"You freaking psycho!" I shouted backing away from my own door. Out of all the undead they could have paired me up with, it had to be Cailyn. Sure, she wasn't as bad as Riley I suppose, but she was much crazier apparently.

The smart lady arrived at my door as I remained huddled in my corner. She opened the door smiling as the noticed Cailyn licking the door separating us, to sate her hunger. Revolting, Cailyn.

I wanted to gag, it was one thing to launch herself at the door to try and eat me. But to lick my image as a way to appease her hunger – gross?!

Hazmat people dragged me into a grey and white room, giving my eyes a slight break from the usual pristine white. Chaining me to a block, they stood off to the side. Locking themselves in a viewing station.

Now that my eyes were accustomed to the lighting of the room, I noticed my surroundings. Ahead of me stood two chairs, each containing a person with a bag over their heads.

In front of me were two levers, neither labeled. I followed the my eyes along the wires to see they each led to a single light box in front of either bagged person.

At this point I was really confused, was this some sort of sick game show? I would definitely make the motto, "Let's see how smart your zombie is! Send your zombie in now, and compete to see who will win!"

Suddenly speakers were cleared and I glanced toward the viewing room to see the Smart Lady speaking into the microphone.

"If my research is correct, you, are an exceptional case of zombie...."

I zoned out momentarily solely focusing on the words 'exceptional' and 'zombie'! Finally, someone was recognizing my amazing zombie abilities.

"You have two choices in front of you, and a clock timing you.." she continued as two men walked out removing the bag over the peop—zombies heads'.

Underneath bag number one? Cody! And drum roll please, bag number two? Riley!

"Cody!" I yelled at him eager to go towards him and make sure he was alright, but I was restricted to this one area.

"As I suspected, you know these creatures, you have the capability to recognize them. Interesting." She spoke seriously into the microphone. I could hear the light taps of her pen through the microphone. "Now, here is your task. There are two levers in front of you, pulling one will send electricity through the wires into one of your companions. Slowly frying their brain."

I raised an eyebrow almost wanting to laugh, this lady wasn't just smart, just was a psychopath. I was just waiting for the gameshow logo to drop and announce the beginning of the games. Only, this wasn't a gameshow.

"Your time begins now, the zombie you don't pick will not be hurt." She spoke clearly and began the countdown. Sixty-seconds.

I gazed at each of them. Cody just stared back. Riley asked me nicely to not zap him, but that slowly resorted to cursing me if I didn't pick Cody over him.

"Wow, you are such a fantastic friend Riley!" I yelled over to him, laughing slightly at their predicament.

The slightly worried look in Riley's eyes almost made me pity him.


Unsure of why I was stalling I started laughing.

"Dare you to doubt my zombie abilities again you blasted pig!" I shouted pulling down Riley's lever.

I watched with pleasure as Riley slightly shook in the chair.

Probably would have felt way worse, but zombies do not really feel pain. Sure, we may feel our finger fall off and such, but highly doubt Riley was in as much pain as he was acting. If anything, I was going to be on his kill list later, but it was highly worth it right now.

"Remarkable," The Smart lady muttered into the microphone, turning off the electricity.

"Bring out the other subject!" She commanded and next thing I knew Cailyn was walking through the doors spasming like before, and constantly staring in my direction. I was pulled aside by my new leash, and tied to the side of the room, away from Cailyn. Thankfully.

I felt slightly panicked as Cailyn took my spot. Riley was her playmate; how could she not pick him? She would pick my sweet, sweet Cody and I would have to kill her with my own hands.

Her struggling only increased as they attempted to tie her to the pole, she lashed out and bit one of the hazmat suits. Luckily for them, only ripping the material.

"She-she's too strong boss! We can't hold her for much longer!"

Cailyn erupted from their grasp and glared at me. Tipping her head heavily to the side, she glared at me, inspecting me.

"Cailyn... can you not do that; your neck looks broken. It is really gross – "Gagging halfway through my sentence, she began running in my direction.

What do I do in this situation? I don't know how to fight another zombie, if my fingers end up submerged in her stomach or something I will honestly throw up.

I backed away, "Cailyn can you stop looking like a rabid animal, chill please? I'm sorry for calling you names behind your back! You aren't a – "I screeched as she neared, ready to pounce on me.

Her attack never came, instead a loud bang, and her standing calmly. A giant hole engraved her stomach. She looked around almost confused before looking down and letting out a scream.

Heck, I would be freaked out too if I looked down and saw a hole where my stomach should be.

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