Bite The Bait!

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I didn't know who these men were but it was honestly, the most aggravating thing. Cody and I sat in a corner to ourselves, or as far as our brand-new leashes would let us!

Somehow, I felt that Cailyn and Riley were not as panicked about our predicament as they ought to be. They were cozied up next to each other watching the other, older undead being picked and prodded at by the sunglass guys..

It seemed the pattern was, they would not feed us until we were absolutely on the brink of literal death. Where we actually, stay dead, and then baiting us along with their forks covered in flesh – where they got the fresh flesh, do not ask me. I did not care to know, and was not about to look foolish and talk to them about their secret human meat factory.  Of course, us zombies had to eat as well that was our main fuel for living and moving. The longer we went without food, the less mobile we were. Although it would have to be an immensely long time between eating times, I have seen it happen.

Letting out a deep sigh I tugged on the leash restricting me, "I swear...when I get out of this they are going to regret this!" Mumbling bitterly, Cody just smiled letting out a breathy laugh.

"And how are you going to do that? You may get sick and break your leg again." He lightly shoved me, teasing me.

"You are lucky I tolerate you, otherwise I would show you what I can really do. Oh, and don't ever say that again. You sound just like Riley." I said a little bit louder, pretending to gag.

I turned with a smirk to look at the overly hot devil. Still, to this day, not understanding how someone so good-looking could be so obnoxious and bratty. He only sent a wink my way and went off to entertain Cailyn some more.

I was planning on wholeheartedly retaliating but the door to our cage clanked open, and three sunglass men walked in. All with friendly, welcoming smiles on their faces.

One of them was large and very muscular, which wouldn't be a bad thing – except he was the one holding the pitch fork, dripping with blood of some... thing.

"Alrighty, pets! Let's play a game, whoever can get this first gets to keep it all to themselves!" The pitch fork, sunglass man taunted us. Waving the food in the air. It was only a couple days in between our last meal, and I felt my stomach cave in, desperately wanting a bite of that disgusting piece of meat; however; I was not planning on playing a game for my food!

"Like we will fall for that, right, Cody?" I jokingly mumbled looking over at him, to see if he had my back. Only, his eyes were dark and fixated on the piece of flesh on the fork. "Cody?" Shaking his shoulder I tried to get his attention back to me.

Looking at Cailyn and Riley I noticed the same dead expression on their faces, "Oh! You have got to be kidding me!" I groaned. Of course! They have to make this so much more difficult than needed.

"You guys! Let's not get ahead of ourselves, we aren't supposed to so easily play their game." I rolled my eyes slouching down on the floor. If these weird sunglass men thought I was playing their stupid game, they had another thing coming.

The piece of meat hanging off the fork did not represent a juicy hamburger, and it did not make me desperately hungry enough to become hypnotized.

"I have seen better meat before, so have you guys. You are seriously about to fight over a grimy, old-looking piece of meat?" Raising my eyebrows, I looked at any of my companions for a sign of life in their eyes. Not that they were living anyways, but I needed some kind of response.

The sunglass, pitch fork guy, didn't seem to notice I was not participating. He was too concentrated on Cailyn, Cody and Ryan launching at the pitchfork. He yanked it back, watching them scramble at it again. Occasionally one of them would scratch at the other, desperate to get the slime covered meat before the other.

As long as my dear, innocent Cody was not injured, all would be well. If he got hurt, I would have to destroy everything in my path.

Cailyn suddenly began twitching unusually, out of the corner of my eye I could see her and instantly turned my head her way. She let out a loud shriek and that seemed to knock both. Cody and Riley, out of their trance. They looked around confused as Cailyn launched at the piece of meat.

I couldn't help but snicker as serious sunglass man suddenly became a bit afraid at her slashing. One moment she was moving quickly and fiercely, and the next... she had a giant pitch fork imbedded in her stomach.

I had to turn away when I felt my gag reflex becoming more active. That was utterly disgusting. Cailyn was still alive, since it didn't pierce her brain.

I am glad that all it took to knock her out of her crazy state was a freaking pitch fork into the stomach. What was wrong with her? I am completely unsure, never seen anything like that before and I couldn't control the uneasy feeling in my stomach.

Or maybe it was the fact that she was still just walking around, impaled. Nope, definitely the pitch fork. Covering my mouth I glared at the slightly shocked group of undead in front of me, sunglass man was nice enough to retrieve his stab machine, and left the cage.

"So, guys, what was that about exactly?" I asked overly-sweet. A little peeved that they left me to myself, all ganging up on that piece of meat.

Confused they just looked at each other.

** sorry for any errors!

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