Sickly Feeling

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Riley sauntered out of the bathroom in his new uniform. It was a grey-colored jumpsuit, with a white t-shirt peeking out through the collar area where he refused to button the top of his attire.

"What a pity..." I started glaring at him as he sat back against the bed, raising an eyebrow at me, "you didn't melt."

He cracked a smile at me, "It really is a pity. Now I have to deal with your smell even longer."

My glare deepened, and I sighed, entering the bathroom which was now steamy and hot, most-likely because he was exorcising his demonic rituals inside.

Shutting the door behind me, I kept the water at a lukewarm temperature, making sure to thoroughly wash my hair. It had been far too long since I was able to use shampoo and moderately warm water to become cleaner.

Trying not to think about the side-effects of my shower with my barely-living body, I stepped out of the shower and dried off. Quickly entering my matching jumpsuit.

The jumpsuit was slightly large on me and the sleeves and pants hung past my limbs.

As I exited the bathroom I could feel eyes on me. I did my best to ignore them, but they seemed to be burning a hole into my side.

"Can I help you?" I shot at Riley, turning my head towards him.

"Your jumpsuit is a little large for you – don't you think?" He scrunched his face slightly looking at my attire from top to bottom. Scrutinizing me.

I shrugged my shoulders and placed my hands on my hips, "Sorry, not everyone is super muscular and tall. They should have known better than to place me in an outfit this size."

Riley stood up from the bed and started nearing me as I processed what I had said.

"Of course, muscular as in meaty – like meathead –" I struggled to find an excuse for admitting he was even a tiny bit muscular or... anything attractive like that.

Riley was directly in front of me at this point, letting out a breath, he chuckled, "you are honestly adorable... strange... yet adorable."

My face darkened in color at least three-hundred shades, if zombies could still blush that is. That theory would definitely need scientific testing.

He took my hands in his and rolled up the sleeves of my jumpsuit as I stumbled over finding an insult to say to him or some backhand comment. Mainly making myself look even stranger as I stood there going 'uhhh – well, uh' as he made my outfit appropriate for my size.

Riley finished up his work and looked down at me, his eyes almost endearing, like cute puppy-dog eyes.

"Aha!" I began cackling, a wide smile spreading across my face. "How could I insult an innocent animal such as a puppy by comparing it with you, you demon!" I shouted.

The look remained there in his eyes but mixed in with confusion.

"Don't worry! I know your plan." I rambled out the words loudly, "You sir, are lonely and seeing as your girlfriend is kind of psycho right now, you have to satisfy your flirtatious nature somehow, and I am the poor individual who is stuck with you!" A triumphant look was spread across my face and only grew as his facial expressions changed from innocent animal to tipping over the edge. "Either that or..." I rubbed my finger alongside my chin, as though I were thinking, "you want to make me off-guard, so you can kill me for frying you earlier!" Nodding my head, I agreed with my own theories.

Riley looked beyond disgusted at this point, he sneered at me. "As if I would want to flirt with you." He walked back over to the bed, laying down on it. "Just turn off the light and go to sleep."

"You are seriously going to hog the bed? I am a lady you know." I huffed and walked over to the light turning it off. The lights in the room only dimmed, making the idea of sleeping difficult.

"So? Enjoy the rock-hard floor, try not to be in too much pain when you—"

"Pain! HA! I am the ultimate zombie, not a wimpy zombie like you who needs frivolous things like beds, and... pillows..." I slid to the floor trailing off.

Riley covered his ears desperate to ignore my talking.

Leaning back against the wall I smacked my lips together, spelling out the word "W – i – m – p. You must really miss using Cailyn as your pillow, the way you are holding that pillow so tightly against your—"

"Oh just shut up, will you? I am holding it so tightly against my head because I am hoping it will block out your annoying voice!" Riley shouted.

I couldn't deny I was taken aback by his shouting, it was not playful at all. I suppose I pushed a button... or two.

One moment I was worried about being turned back human, or into a psychotic zombie by a crazy institution, the next... I was worried about the slight flutter in my stomach when Riley was near me.

Surely, I was just nauseous from Cailyn's questionable actions earlier... or the injections they were giving me were making me feel sick

Yeah, that had to be it.

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