Heart Ache

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Now, this was a very interesting moment. Riley was in front of me a zombie, staring at my regenerated arm with food lust. Great.

"Okay, Riley, I know this is a really weird situation we are in – but I would enjoy keeping my arm. Unchewed." My mouth went dry, mainly out of nervousness I was scared my arm was about to receive some fresh bite marks in it.

Riley shook his head, "this is ridiculous. Your arm is human, who knows what will happen if the rest of you goes human. I haven't torn someone's flesh from them in so long it feels Maya..." His voice trailed off and for the first time I was more scared of Riley than Cailyn. Cailyn's insanity was at least unexpected.

I think what scared me so much, was that this was completely expected of Riley. I had no clue he missed tearing the flesh from people however.

"Maybe you should go to a psychiatrist." I paused, pulling my jumpsuit back over my upper half and zipping it up. "If you were suspicious outside, why didn't you just tell me?"

Riley closed his eyes and smirked, "If I told you to take off your shirt because you don't smell rotten I highly doubt you would gladly oblige."

I nodded with a smile on my face, at least he knew that he would probably get punched.

"What if this is happening to Cody too? What if he is turning human?" I was so very worried for my Cody, he was alone, in my old cage with Cailyn staring him down, desperate to munch on him. Oh, I hoped he was alright.

Riley didn't answer but we both left the bathroom. He sat far away from me, and did his best to ignore my existence. I kept speaking to him, but he would not answer no matter how I called out for him.

I took this time to examine my original arm with the dead one. I traced the veins that webbed from the source of the shot in my arm. None of this made any sense to me.

We spent the rest of the day in dead silence, Riley even decided to sleep in the bathroom. Which was good for me since I got to sleep on the bed.

It felt like I was dreaming deeper that night when the door to our containment opened once again. This time they entered with equipment to transport us from this area to another.

I was tied with a rope, and led to another room, leaving Riley sitting in the bathroom. I did not bother calling to him, he was too busy moping about.

The room looked like a doctor's office, and sitting down at a table was Dr. Smart Lady. She ordered for them to tie me to the bench and get the 'supplies'. Very suspicious.

A huge part of me didn't trust this doctor. Something about keeping an entire zombie horde nearby made me not trust someone as much as I could.

She took out a huge needle, the syringe was filled with a dark red liquid.

"The tests we took from you are showing positive improvements in your body functions." She gripped my arm with her hand, swiftly lifting the sleeve. "These test results are even better than I thought. We should definitely move to Phase four."

I wasn't even aware I had passed phase one, or what phase one even was. Maybe each limb was another phase. I was only slightly tense until she ordered her hooligans to hold me down on the patient bed.

My natural reaction was to panic. I began screaming and moving around. Which probably didn't translate as dramatic to the humans in the room, but I was plenty scared.

She lunged the gigantic needle, right into my heart.

"Shot of adrenaline mixed with the same material we put into your arm. This should quicken the transformation." She informed me, after she stabbed me with the needle.

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