Chapter 18

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La'Shea Pov

2 Months Later...

Things has been goin great between me and Jay. We get it in on the regular now. I got that niga pussy whipped. But we do have arguments here and there, but its over simple things. Lean and Shanell are not together but they act as they're a couple. They need to get their shit together if you ask me. The rest of the squad are basically big brothers to me. I still stay with my dad and all that good stuff. He has a girlfriend now, so now he has one more female walking round the house giving him trouble. I like her, she's pretty cool.

Graduation is tomorrow and im so happy cause I will finally be free. Me and Jay plan on tellin my dad that im moving out graduation day. Yall pray for a nigga cause I don't know how he gone take it.

Jay Pov

Everything has been going great between me and Sheaaaa, LIES. I cant keep that girl off my mind. I done fucked up four niggas already for trying to talk to her! In my fucking face, the fuck? She got a nigga pussy whipped. My niggas teasing me bout that shit. Even my baby girl be taking advantage of the fact im whipped. Oh in case you aint know Nina calls me daddy now.


"Jay theres something in my room!!" Nina yells busting in my room damn near flying. Cause by time I sat up and looked she was already in my bed holding onto me with dear life.

"Nina -_- there's nothing in there. Now go back to your room and go to sleep" I mumbled cause a nigga was sleeping good as fuck.

"No! Jay pweaseee go check PWEASEEEEE" she whined shaking the hell out of me.

"Alright alright alright" I got up and started towards the door. I didn't hear her behind me so I stop and look back. "You coming?"

"Nope, one of us gotta make it out alive." She said getting comfortable in my bed. This girl mouthy as hell. I picked her up out of bed and carried her to her room. after 15 minutes of searching I found nothing.

"See Nina there's nothing in here" I said grabbing her and tucking her in bed.

"Thank you daddy" She said before she gave me a hug and a kiss.

Daddy....that shit had me feeling some type of way. I was smiling hard as hell.

**Flashback Over**

Ever since then she been calling me daddy.

Graduation is tomorrow and im happy as hell cause a nigga will be a free man. I plan on moving Shea in with me the day of graduation. I hope it goes well cause I don't want her dad to try and kill my sexy ass.

Lean Pov

Oh shiz-nit I got my own muhhlovin pov. Abryll got my ass feeling special and shit. ( Boy dont go feeling special, but please hurry up and say what you gotta say.) Ole mean ass (Nigga dont start, I'll have Shanell kill yo black ass off) Yoooo calm down. Tryina kill a nigga and shit...a sexy one at that.

Graduation is coming up and im happy cause a nigga ready to get my life started. Shanell been keeping me on my toes. She's really not all that quiet like yall think she is. Shes hostile as hell to be honest. She stay laying hands on a nigga. But thats my baby, we aint together buht she knows wassup. She says she know me and she knows what kind of dude I am, but imma get her. She knows where my heart is. Bruh I swear if yall tell her imma murk yall muhhfuckas...real shit.

Alright that was a quick lil filler. I skipped them up to the day before graduation. Once they get out of school...all kinds of things gone start happening. Some good....and some not so much lol VOTE & COMMENT and let a bish know wassup my niqqas and niqqettes.

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