Chapter 7

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La'Shea Pov

I took a seat on the couch to wait for Jay to finish putting away his guns. Just as I was getting comfortable there was a knock at the door.

"Can you get that for me hunn" Meredith says while fixing Nina something to eat.

And to my surprise I see..........

Some girl at the door. She's kinda cute and she look like a nice person, but someone done beat that ass. She had a busted nose, lip, black eye and a cut under the left eye.

"Uhmn, excuse me bitch who the fuck are you." Well damn, I guess I was wrong about the nice part.

"Uhmn im-" I was cut off by Meredith coming to the door and telling me to grab Nina and go upstairs to the first room on the right. The tension was so thick you could use ah chainsaw to cut it.

I walk to the door and knock and wait. After 30 seconds ah bitch got impatient so I busted in "Nig-" I was cut off to Jay having what seemed like a serious conversation.

"Yea, I know boss but I got some serious stuff to handle. Yes, as soon as my guys find her they're gonna kill her. Alright I got another call bye." He clicks over without noticing im even here. "Hey, Nuck get the squad down here I gotta talk to yall about" He hangs up the phone but stops in his tracks when he sees me and Nina standin at the door. " What you doing in here? Is everything alright?" He says coming towards me. I walk out and go the the guess room next to his and lock the door.

"Shea, open the door Im sorry you had to hear that. You already know what I do so I dont see the problem. Its not like I've kept it from you the whole time.  Shea open up pl-" He was cut off by some loud voices coming from downstairs.

Jaquel Pov

While im trying to explain myself to Shea...yet again. I start hearing voices downstairs. So I walk and look over the banister and see Veronica and Meredith downstairs. "Oh Shit!!" I ran downstairs just in time to grab Meredith and carry her to the kitchen. I look and Shea running down the staircase to calm Meredith down. She's now standing in front of Meredith telling her to let it go. Then Veronica ole distraught ass thought it was a good idea to come after Shea. Oh baby Jesus how did I get myself into this.

"Bitch why the fuck you in my man house!?" Veronica somehow gets around me, swing, and catch Shea in the side of the head. That surprised the hell out of me and I froze. Shea ate, swallowed, and shitted that punch out. I look and her eyes had turned black. Shea was goin in. She don't fight like these other females, she square up like a she a nigga. Shea was going in punch for punch. Once Veronica ass hit the floor Shea was over top of her beating that ass. Then out of nowhere Nuck runs past me and picks Shea up off of Veronica. The rest of the squad just stood there as shocked as my ass.

La'Shea Pov

I was sitting on the bed listening to Jay explain himself...again. Then all of a sudden Jay stop talkin and yell "Oh Shit!". I sit Nina on the bed "Nina, whatever you hear..stay in this room and do not come out". I slowly walk and look over the banister and see Jay trying to calm Meredith down. Im guessing Meredith is the one who whooped that ass the fist time. I get to Meredith a im trying to calm her down. That shit wasn't working so I stood in front of her, looked her in her eyes and started talking to her. Then all of a sudden I feel a light tap to the side of my head. In my mind im talking to myself like I know that busted up bitch aint just put her hands on me. That shit aint phase me none what so ever. Its the fact that she put her hands one me. I turned around and started beating up on that ass. I was fighting her like a nigga. Then I feel the strong arms pull me up by my waist.

"Bruh who the fuck you think you is to put ya muhhfuckin' hands on me, bitch you got me fucked up! Bitch I kill yo ass!"  I yell while kicking and trying to get out the big ass nigga arms.

"Nuck carry her to the other side of the living room the rest of y'all get that bitch outta here" Meredith said to the big built nigga holding me and the other niggas.

"Damn ma calm down you won, you won" He said while holding me still.

"Im calm, I'm calm my nigga" I said calming down. Then my ass thought about what happened alllll over again "But just make sure to TELL THAT BITCH WHEN I SEE HER IM CALLING MY ONE WITH HER ASS!!" I said trying to once again get out his grasp...and fail. I calm down and he let me down. I walk upstairs to Nina and close the door.

Jaquel Pov

I know y'all think a nigga all weak and shit. That's not the case, Shea ass was mad as hell. I see that girl fight like a nigga when she mad. I wont bout to jump in and get my sexy ass face hit, damn that. After Shea went upstairs the squad came back and started asking questions. We all took a seat on the couch and I explained what took place. Just as I finished explaining Shea was coming from downstairs going towards the kitchen.

"Shea come here and let me introduce you to the squad" I said while patting on my lap for her to sit down. "Shea this is Knuck, Lean, Trap, and Kush. They all work for me and they make sure things are going smooth. Yall this is La'Shea, but she go by Shea." They all were looking at her like my ass wont sitting there. "What the hell y'all looking at...aint shit over here for y'all." as soon as I said that Shea started giggling.

La'Shea Pov

After I had calmed down and fixed my hair and clothes, on my trip to the refrigerator Jay call me over to meet his squad.

"Shea this is Nuck, Lean, Trap, and Kush. They all work for me and they make sure things are goin smooth. Yall this is La'Shea, but she go by Shea." He said. They asses was staring and shit. "What the hell yall looking at...aint shit over here for yall." Jay snapped, as soon as he said that I started giggling, that was cute.

After they stopped staring they each stood up and introduce themselves. Starting with Nuck first. He seemed like the serious one in the group. He was a tall built dark skin brother with tattoos, medium length dreads, and a some pretty ass teeth.

"Hey, My name is Maurice D. Jones but I go by Knuck. If a nigga fuck with you, you'll find out why I go by Nuck. But by the way you was handling ole girl ass you got everything under control." He said trying to hold back his laugh.

Next was Lean, Now lean he seemed like the silly one in the group. He was average height for a dude...but still way taller than me. He was caramel nigga with hella tattoos, had curly hair that had higlights in it. He looks mixed, but whatever. You could tell he was conceited. He just knew he was sexy.

"Wadduh ma, I be that sexy muhhfucka' named Davonté M. Harrison but I go by Lean. I go by lean cause I got the hands that can make a nigga lean, oh and cause I stay drinking lean." He said licking his lips "I know its gone be kinda hard to keep yo hands off meh but try and control yourself." he said while running his hands down his chest.

"Lean! If you dont sit yo see through ass down somewhere!" Jay said getting mad with Lean crazy ass.

The next nigga name was Trap. He stayed about his business and business only. He go by the motto M.O.B (money over bitches). He a bit shorter than the other niggas but he got the hands to back it up. He a little cutie with his dark chocolate skin. Not to mention his pretty, white, and straight teeth. Y'all know how dark skinned men teeth be looking. I haven't met one dark skin guy with messed up teeth.

"Waddulilma, mynameNyvadeousCashwell. ButpeoplecallmeTrap." He mumbled like he ain wanna say hey or some shit.

"Trap" Jay said sternly. "Sorry but he aint too open with new people."

"Yo what the fuck, wadduh my name is Nyvadeous but people call me Trap." He said then quickly returned to his seat.

Last but not least Kush, Kush seemed like the thinker. Like he stayed in deep thought majority of the time. He was very attractive but ion think he all white and he damn sure ain all black. Anyways he was around Jay height with black curly hair, had tattoos from the neck down with a tear drop tattooed on his face. He had pretty greyish greenish eyes.

"Hey mami, my name is Neomias B. Hamilton. I go by the name Kush cause I stay smokin that good. Im Dominican, Black and Italian."

Lawd I can tell that staying here is gone be difficult as hell...Lord be with me.

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