A game of 2 (Michael Clifford)

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Luke's POV

How can Megan choose Michael over me? I'm way better for her than him, I bet he doesn't even know her sweet spot like I do. But I have a plan...


2. Make my move

Megan's POV

"Alright the next rounds on me." Your boyfriend Michael announced, slightly stumbling out of the booth you were sitting in; he kisses you sloppily and giggles. "No funny business you two!" He says seriously then laughs walking away. Ashton and Calum had already left to find girls to hook up with, leaving just you and Luke. He would have normally left by now to get with some new bimbo he was capable of picking up, it kind of annoyed you how he hasn't since you just wanted to be alone with Michael.

"So, seen any girls you like?" Normally you'd have been subtle but something about this moment made you want to know.

Luke smirks. "Well," he drags out as he slides across to sit next to you, placing his hand on you thigh making you shudder. "There is this one girl, she's been driving me crazy, the way she moves, bites her lip...twiddle her fingers around her straw." He places his hand on top of your's that were doing just that. Of course you were attracted to Luke, he's basically sex on legs but you were with Michael, you loved Michael.

"Luke I have a boyfriend." He slowly kisses down your jawline, "A boyfriend who is also one of your...best friends." You begin to get breathless as he sucks on your neck. You bite your lip just to muffle a moan. He releases his lips, that's gonna leave a mark.

"What he doesn't know can't hurt him." Luke whispers seductively before joining your lips together...

If you said you didn't enjoy it I'd be lying, but you love Michael. Though this be true, you didn't pull away, seeming like the alcohol coursing through you was making all the decisions.

"Alright I got...WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" Michael shouted, slamming the glasses down onto the table. You look between Michael and Luke, each displaying different emotions; Luke was grinning widely as if he had won something, Michael on the other hand showed anger and betrayal.

"Michael please I can explain." You plead, suddenly seeming more sober but still giggling at how funny everything was.

"Explain what? That you're a little slut who's been banging my best friend all this time?" He grabs your wrist and drags you from the booth. "Come on we're going home." You continue to strop along behind him till you get outside.

"Mickey," you whine trying to wrap your arms around him. "Just listen to me."

"Thanks , but I think i'll pass on any of the juicy details." He grips your wrist tighter as you squeeze pass people outside, making you squeal.

"Michael mate I think you should calm down." You flick your head to see Luke storming along behind you.

"LUCAS!" You scream and laugh because you just love the name. Michael release you and jumps at Luke.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" You watch as Luke struggles to escape. "YOU COULDN'T HAVE LET ME HAVE ONE GIRL, YOU'VE HAD ALL THE REST BUT NO THAT WASN'T ENOUGH, YOU JUST HAD TO COME ALONG AND STEAL THE GIRL I LOVE!" Michael pulls away, crying slightly. "You're not worth it." He spits then begins to walk towards you.

"Apparently I'm worth more than you think, Megan seems to." Luke chuckles as Michael freezes.

"You bastard!" In one swift movement, Michael spun round connecting his fist with Luke's face causing him to yelp out in pain. He collapsed on the floor grasping his face, blood dripping down. "We're going home Megan."

After a long, silent journey you arrive at your flat, Michael slams his door, strutting towards the door. You follow behind and shut the door.

"You didn't have to punch him you know," you whisper slightly.

"Didn't have to punch him? He kissed my girlfriend and made it seem like she would choose him over me...though standing here I'm beginning to think he's right." The room turned cold, everything you cared about was resting on the end of a needle, teetering.

"How can you say that? It's not true."

"Isn't it? Because you're fighting his side fairly strongly." He stepped forward as you stepped back, beginning a dance.

"Of course it's not, I fucking love you, you idiot." Finally your back was slammed against the wall but be didn't stop...

"Prove it."


Oooo I hopes you liked it and sorry for the cliff hanger

Well that's all from me

Snapchat me: PegasusHobson cause I get bored a lot




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