Erika, PJ and Zobo

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I would first of all like to apologise to kattailz because she asked for an imagine a month ago and it was right before i went on holiday and while i had major writers block. Now i would like to apologise for how weird this is and it is majorly weird but here goes, hope you like it.

Btw the bold and bracketted is subtitles

You stand with PJ, he holds your hands and looks deeply into you eyes. You loved him but he didin't know, you always thought he was too perfect to be true but here you were, together, on a cliff watching the sunset. It was the most romantic thing that had ever heard of but PJ was just your friend, you're big blue friend. The love of your life that didn't love you back, only you could ever understand him.

"Neuon blocola fijatua miwhukd natofruki." He spoke to you, he had such a way with words.

"Yes, PJ this sunset is beautiful. I don't think anything can beat it." He softly places his hand on top of yours and you look at him confused, did he understand what this meant to you?

"Teq asew jeronti hehy klad kahegy, Erika." You smile brightly at him, feeling yourself blush. He thought you were beautiful and you thought your heart was going to explode. "Teq hedyu Chicken Wings." Chicken wings? He really just compared you to chicken wings. This was about the best complement you were going to get . PJ was an alien here, he didin't understand the customs or emotions by the sounds of it. You wish you were like him, maybe then he would like you.

"Listen PJ," He turns to you, his grey eyes more precious than silver. "I-i need to go for a walk. Stay here." You stand up, brushing off your skirt. "Stay! STAY!" Finally PJ listens and stays where he is.

Sometimes you wish he was more like you, like a normal human being. Then you could have a normal conversation, one without either of you having to pull out a dictionary. You could go shopping without children screaming or laughing at PJ's anatomy. You could stop running from the police because PJ steals a kids ice cream and shoves it down his trousers.

You find a bench further up the cliff to think more.

You couldn't change Peej, you loved him the way he was but sometimes that made it hard for you to really connect with him. You could never understand his life, it was so different from yours.

"Excuse me, Mistress?" Zobo wheeled up next to you. Zobo is the white robot PJ made you for your birthday, he has been loyal to you ever since. "My systems are informing of your current emotional state, it reads...sad. I believe the appropriate question would be, why are you sad?"

"Oh Zobo, I am sad. It's PJ, he doesn't know i love him."

"My system cannot comprehend why you cannot tell him." Zobo unfortunately was programmed without feelings, so he was just as good with relationship advice as PJ was.

"I can't tell him Zobo, one because he hasn't learned that in his English studies get, but also because he doesn't feel the same. He's from the Stonbeha, i'm from Earth, it would never work. Sometimes i wish to be Stonbehaniam like PJ." Suddenly a buzzing sound defended you, leaving you screaming while covering your ears. "Zobo what's happening?" You look at Zobo whose screen have gone bright silver, he was shaking uncontrollably. Suddenly the world went white to you.

You wake up on the bench just where you were before. Zobo sat next to you, everything seemed normal.

"Zobo, oh jurk iuon gertas fkeh" (Zobo, oh thank stars you're alright) You stopped quickly, why were you speaking like this? You looked at your hands and scream when you see that they are blue, yes, blue. "Zobo, jerone feuts yonj laweq? (Zobo, what happened to me?)

"I seemed to have approved your desire and put it into action." He turned to you, a smile on his electronic face.

"Jeh ketlu leku suxz PJ." (I have to find PJ) You run down to where you and PJ were having a picnic. You found him in the same place you left him. For a moment you stopped and smiled at him. Everytime you saw him, it took your breathe away. You got control of yourself and ran over to him.

"Oh, tewk greyoi, tewk jutd pogk frukedy." (Oh, i'm sorry, I'm here with someone) He said before turning to see your blue self, the look on his face was just completely stunned. "Erika?" He stands up to look into your green eyes, making you blush,. You brush a small piece of you blonde hair, shyly behind your ear.

"Uej, PJ. Kohef dert." (Yeah, PJ. It's me.) He looks at you bewildered, close to speechless.

"Jerone feuts yonj Gert?" (What happened to you?) This wasn't the reaction you were looking for, maybe he didn't like you no matter your species.

"Hakio lito hertu?" (Does it matter?) You turn away, looking out to see. "Tewk hoy Stonbehaniam vyk." (I'm a Stonbehaniam now.)

"Zuc tew muhy gert bocs gert." (But i like you for you.) He turns you around to face him, holding your arms tight. "Tew mijy get bocs gert." (I love you for you.) You're shocked by his words, he can't be saying what you think. There must be something wrong with his tongue programming.

"Gert mijy laweq?" (You love me?) He nods his head. "Tew mijy gert nos." (I love you too.) This was the moment you had waited for. It was what you had ever dreamed and so much more. You both lean in, puckering you lips. You were both so close, only inches. Suddenly you feel weightless like your flying through the air. It only takes you a moment for you to realise that you're falling off the cliff. The last words you hear come from Zobo

"That's what you get for not loving me."

The end


"So what do you think?" PJ asked as you leaned again his table of doodles for his next video idea.

"It's certainly original." You say awkwardly to save his feelings. It's not that you didn't like the idea, it's more that it was weirder than a gazelle turning into a robot then winning the roller skating championship. "I'm gonna make a sandwich, you want one?" He shakes his head, eagerly doodling more ideas. Ah, PJ.

What were you gonna do with him?

Sweet jesus i'm so sorry about that

Was it okay?

Oh god, anyway if you want one ask and i'll try and not spend a month on it


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