Niall Horan's monster

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"Why aren't you fun anymore Mitch? You used to be different but you've changed, you've gone soft." Get out. Get out! Niall's words still rested in my mind, they played on repeat mocking me. I was going to show him, i was going to prove him wrong. That's why i'd stormed out a few hours ago, i was determined to win this. How dare he say i've gone soft, does he even know me? I am anything but soft, but this will prove to him once and for all. Lets see him call me a wimp after this

Lets show him the monster he has created.

I stumble in through the door, why don't we make these wider because seriously they should be more...'this' proof?

Ouch, the table attacked me.

"Take this douche nugget table." I whack the table with my hand, but i think it hurt me more. "Ow, that really hurt table and it's still hurting." Ha Charlie is awesome, though i've never really see that video.

This table is actually so mean. "So you're giving me the silent treatment, well two can play at that game too." I once ignored my teddy bear for a whole year...of course i did lose it at my grandparents house. I MISS YOU NANNY AND POSICLE.

"Aw i can't stay mad at you, just don't do it okay? Alright, see you later Tabley." I'm glad we sorted that out now we can have a friend to last forever.

I skip into the light, because aparently i died when i hit the table with my thigh...i'm just joking, i'm so funny. Well, the light is kitchen because it's the only light in the house, i bet a ghost is in there, but it did feel like death when the table hurt me. Over to the fridge i go, skipping, NOW SLOW MO.

I should be a poet.

I take out my cheese sandwhich and bit down on it.

"Mitch?" Oh my god, i was right, there is a ghost in here.

"Oh mighty spirit, i'm sorry for...yeah. Just please don't take my face, sratch that, leave my sandwhich you can have my face." Ha, the jokes on him, my face is stuck on. Haha.

"Mitch i'm not a ghost, it's me, Niall." i turn around to see Niall sitting at a table drinking tea.

"Oh, well then you can have neither my face, nor my sandwhich." That'll teach him.

"Mitch where have you been? I was worried, what happened to you?" Shall i laugh? I think i'm going to laugh.

"Why would you miss a wimp like me? Remember, you said i'd gone soft? Well look at me now, i'm more fun than ever." Niall stands up and starts to walk around.

"You're not a wimp mitch, i shouldn't have said those things." I walk closer to him but stumble forwards, collapsing in his arms. Quickly, Niall rushed me into a chair. "Are you high? Drunk?" He tried to look Me in the eyes but i was trying to eat my sandwhich.

"You said you wanted me fun, so i became fun." I spat in his face, angryinh him.

"You went to see Zayn again, didn't you?" I don't reply, he doesn't need to know. He slams his hands on the table and the arm rest of my chair, staring more into my eyes. "DIDN'T YOU?!"

"SO WHAT NIALL? You don't control me, i may change for you but you don't choose how." I try to escape the chair but i'm slammed back down into it.

"When i said for you to become more fun, i meant going out with me more, not going to see Zayn and getting high." I finally freed myself from his clutches and pinned him against the wall.

"Well Niall, this is the way i am, the way you created me. Are you happy now? I'm just your little monster." I let him go and tried to get my sea legs back, the room was spinning.

"I-i'm sorry." His voice was lower, almost like he was close to tears. "I don't know why i tried to change you, you were perfect before. I only wanted to help you and for a moment i thought i'd had, you were off the drugs."

"Was that really such a good thing? I was happy when i was taking that stuff, i had no pains." I couldn't feel any pain when i was on that stuff, i was flying so high. I saw the needle but didn't feel the pain.

"No Mitch, you still had pain and you were just hiding from the sadness. Everytime you're blood was infected the feeling was pushed down. It never went away, you just ran from it. Remember when i came home to find you crying in the centre of the room and curled up in a little ball? That's what happens when you come down from that high. The drugs job is to manipulate your emotions and make you believe anything. That's not life to live, if it's not your own."

"But it was my life niall, MINE! I was happy even if it wasn't real, it was my happieness. I didn't have to worry about pleasing anyone I...i-i didn't have to ch-change." I stutter, i don't need this right now.

"I'm sorry okay Mitch. I'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry. I didn't want to change you, you were perfect before and i shouldn't have tried to change you. I thought you were unhappy." I'd stopped pinning him by now and was walking towards the door.

"You didn't know me Niall, you don't know me." I was out the door. Hey did you know door rhymes with yoghurt, so it's not a close match rhyme but they both have an 'o' and an 'r' in it.

Tigress and Po should just get together already, don't you just hate it when people drag relationships how so long that you just get bored. Like Austin and Ally...or Bob and Wendy.

"But you're no angel either Mitch." Niall retorted, at his words i turned around to see him standing in the doorway. "I've changed for you plenty of times. I stopped dressing like i used to just so you would like me."

"I never asked you to." I say instantly.

"But that's the thing," Niall snapped back faster. "You didn't have to ask, i still did it because that's what you do when you love someone."

"NO, DON'T LOVE ME. I'M A MONSTER, I DON'T WANT YOUR LOVE." I don't want anyones love, i don't deserve it. I push Niall back and back in tears.



DOUCHE NUGGET." God he can be so stupid at times.

"I DON'T WANT TO GET RID OF YOU, I WANT TO BE WITH YOU, I LOVE YOU." I covered my ears, trying to block it all out.

"STOP SAYING THAT, YOU DON'T, YOU CAN'T. LEAVE ME ALONE, I DON'T NEED NOR WANT YOU IN MY LIF-" What is he doing? OMG HE'S KISSING ME. Wait, why am i fangirling? I'm suppose to be angry at him. "I'm not losing you Mitch. You're mine and i'm yours." He whispered to me then kissed me again.

"Your monster."

Sorry this took so long Mitchell, you know the reasons so here 

If you want one just ask

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