Chapter 7

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 Louis' POV

"Louis! Where do you think you're going?!" Amanda yelled as I started to my car. I jumped and and started the car up. She leaned down on the door and face me a dirty look. "You aren't leaving." 

"Mandi, my best friend is in trouble, and if I don't hurry up..." I sighed, feeling as if I was going to start crying. 'No, Louis! Keep it together!' I yelled at myself. 

"She might what? End up like your mum and the twins. Please." She said leaning against the door. 

"I have to go. You should too." I said, putting the car in drive, and pulling out of my yard. I knew exactly where I was going first. 

Their flat building. 

Eleanor's POV

I couldn't see anything. The bandana around my eyes made them water, the tape over my mouth made it hard to breath, and the ropes around my wrists and ankles burned. I couldn't believe I'd helped them that long. I knew for a fact I was going to jail. If not jail, then straight to Hell. 

"What do you mean, he's on his way here?!" a deep voice exploded somewhere in the room. 

A female sighed, sounding like Amanda's. "He got in the car, and he's on his way over here cause he knows she's in trouble!" she snapped back. 

Was Louis really coming here to save me? Would he do such a thing when he knows he could get killed?

Damnit Louis! Why do you have to be so nice?!

Louis' POV

I sat in the driveway staring up at the window. It was now or never. I choose now. I pushed open the door and bolted straight up the steps. As I barged open the door, Eleanor sat on the bed, her face in her hands.

"El!" I yelled, pulling her closely to my chest. "I'm sorry. I got you into this mess." I muttered into her ear. 

"Louis, stop." she said into my chest. I looked down at her. Tears were flowing out her eyes, her face still beat red. 

"El, but.."

"Louis, they want to kill you." she said, pushing me away. "Get out!" she screamed as a million bullets pelted through the doorway. I turned back and ran toward the door. 

"I swear, El. I'll be back for you!" I yelled, running down the steps. I ran into the obnoxious sunlight, and hopped into my car. A bullet flew right past my cheek, hitting the back of the seat. I leaned forward and saw her. Amanda was hanging out a window, repeatedly shooting at me. Finally, one did hit me. My left shoulder hit back, hitting the seat. 

"Arrg!" I mumbled, watching the blood pour down my shoulder. I stomped my foot down, steering out of the driveway. I reached my left arm down and picked up my phone. I held in the number '2' button, waiting for it to ring. 

Phoebe's POV

I layed down on the couch as my phone started buzzing. I had just made it back from the hospital, I just wanted to relax.

"Hello?" I said, waiting for a reply.

"Phoebe! Call 911!" Louis screamed in the other line. I read tires screech and a few muttered groaning. 

"What's going-"

"Tell the police to go to flat apartment 43 on Eighth street!" he interrupted me. 

"Louis, what's going on?"

"I- I love you guys." he said. Suddenly the line went dead. 

"Louis!!" I yelled, knowing he was gone. "No.."

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