Chapter 5

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Louis' POV

Weeks passed, and needless to say, we still haven't got a clue to what's going on. I guess also, Amanda and I have gotten a bit closer since then as well. Like, we're dating more, like now, I'm meeting her at her place. I walked in the door and it was quiet.

"Amanda?" I asked, pushing the door open a bit more. She ran up and hugged me tightly, giving me a kiss. She was giggling over something, but by the looks of it, no one was exactly here to make her laugh.. "What are you laughing about?" I asked, she ignored me and put her lips to mine. 

"You know what will be fun?" She said, taking my hand and leading me to the kitchen. She opened the cabinet and took out a bottle of wine. I shook my head and she gave me a puppy lip. I sighed and popped it open. 

Phoebe's POV

I was sitting in my room, scared to leave. Louis had barely been home lately, and Daisy has been out with her friends. It's only me and mum, but she's still injured. I walked over to the tv and flipped it on. The news was on, and it was still talking about the entire Louis and Eleanor business. 

"Louis Tomlinson and Eleanor Calder are full of lies, or are they all truth? Why is Eleanor all of a sudden helping Louis? Are they dating, or does she own him something-" I turned it off again, not wanting to hear another word. How do people get paid for criticizing others? Good money, wasted on pathetic beings. I fell off my bed and walked downstairs to see my mom cooking eggs. She was shaking, scared someone would just come in and hurt us all. She hasn't really spoken of it lately, and I didn't see her doing it anytime soon.

"H-hi honey. D-do you want something to eat?" she asked, walking to the fridge. 

"I'm fine. Mum, when will you be able to talk?" I asked. Her fear might've changed, she might be ready to tell us everything. 

"While that's cooking I can talk-"

"No, about that night. About why you and Daisy ended up in the hospital for two weeks!" I yelled, interrupting her. She sighed and sat down on the table. 

"He said he would hurt me if I told. You and your brother really need this information, don't you?" I nodded and sat down next to her, taking her fragile hands. "My boyfriend came over with his daughter, Amanda. He said she had just got off work and she had just met Lou. I thought it was great, until he pushed me inside. He took out a pocket knife and started to attack me. I ran into the kitchen and Amanda hit me upside the head. I collasped. I heard Daisy come in, and they knocked her out as well. I watched as they wrote a note for Lou and stuck it on the fridge. It was awful." She looked over my shoulder and gasped. I turned around and saw him standing there. He broke open the window and came into the house. "Phoebe run!" I was confused. He went to my mum and pushed her to the ground, and started to kick her, ending with braking a close vase over her head. I looked at his evil eyes. I couldn't move. 

"Louis..please, figure it out." I mumbled, before her shot me in the leg, causing me to collaspe to the ground. 

"Louis can't save you princess." He said, clubbing me with the gun. I went black. I only heard the sound of scribbling and he darted out of the house again. 

Louis' POV

I'm sorry. I've sinned. I got too drunk. She pulled me into the room. That was it. I just lost my virginity. Shit! 

I launched from the bed and looked around. Clothes were thrown every where and anywhere. Amanda lay sleeping beside me. I got up and found all my clothes. I shook her shoulder and her eyes slowly opened.

"Hey, I'm gonna go home." I said, kissing her head and walking out. I walked down the street till I came upon my house. The front window was busted and blood was over the grass. "No." I ran inside and saw my mum and Phoebe on the floor. "Phoebe! Mum! Damnit, not again." I said, feeling their pulses. I reached for my phone and dialed 911.

"What is it this time Louis?" the policeman said on the other side.

"My mum and Phoebe were attacked!" I yelled.

"We'll be there in a moment." With that, he hung up. I walked over to the fridge and read the new note.


I told you to stop. Now Phoebe got it. Who's next? Ask your little partner!

I gripped the note and threw it away. Who was my partner? Eleanor, or Amanda? 

As the police came in they started asking a million questions, and Amanda was my only alibi. I can't believe they were thinking I was guilty! I wouldn't dare hurt Phoebe, Daisy, or my mum! They were both driven to the hospital, but they wouldn't let me follow. Instead, I called Eleanor up.

"Hey, Tomo." she said happily into the phone.

"We're in shit." I said, getting right to the point.


"They think I'm guilty! My mum and Phoebe were just driven to the hospital. He hit again and I wasn't here to help them." I said sadly into the phone.

"Did they leave another note?" I didn't want to tell her so she wouldn't freak out, but when was I gonna do? She would find out I lied, then be mad cause I didn't tell her about it.

"No, t-they didn't write." I lied. I bit my lip hoping she would take the bait.

"That's odd. They almost always have." She murmured on the other side. 

"How about we meet tomorrow at my place, and go over this?" I said, "I don't like discussing this over the phone. I feel like anyone could be listening in." She agreed and hung up. I layed back in my bed. Another attack was made, and on my sister and mum again. I still had to find my way to being strong. I called up Harry.


"I miss you too." I said sadly.

"Louis, you know this will light up the media. What's wrong with you?" He said, sounding a bit more sincere.

"I'm sorry, almost my entire family has been attacked, am I supposed to sit and watch!?" I yelled back a bit more upset. Harry didn't reply. "I-I'm sorry. I'm going through a lot. How are the boys?"

"Well, Liam's keeping us all in line if that's what you mean. Other than that, we've been worried sick about you." He said. I heard the boys in the background fighting over something dumb.

"Zayn I told you, already! I don't want to use the stupid spoon!" Liam yelled. 

"It's a bloody spoon! Use it!" Zayn yelled back.

"No!" I heard dishes fall and lots of things brake.

"Sorry, Lou. I gotta go. See ya when you get back." Harry said, hanging up. I sighed. I was losing everyone. One at a time. I don't think I can keep up with this anymore.

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