Please, Don't Cry

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A/n: I had this story up on Quotev, but I hate that site and are putting it on here!:D


 Louis' Pov

The plane ride was long and boring. The most boring six hours of my life. I can't believe my sister's were making me come back to Doncaster just to get a girlfriend. If I wanted one, I would've found one. Instead, I had to leave the band alone in the wild city of Las Vegas. Who am I kidding, they probably like it. Harry is probably drinking as much as he wants, Zayn is probably in the bathroom hiding from everyone, Niall and Liam probably stayed at the hotel to swim! Here the hell I am, in Doncaster!

"Louis' home!" Phoebe yelled, as I walked in the door. I leaned down, and picked her up into a large hug my dad used to do with the girls. My mom and Daisy came running down the stairs next. 

"Louis!" Daisy screamed, jumping into my arms. I smiled. I'll admit, I love home and my family, I just don't see why I had to come back to find a girlfriend. 

"Where's Charlotte? And Felicite? And dad?" I asked, scopping the room. My mother rested her hand on my shoulder.

"They went on a trip. They headed to that old fishing place your father used to take you guys." my mother explained. "Aw, look at you. You still don't shave all that boy fuzz on your chin." She said, pulling at the hair on my chin I haven't bothered with since Harry took a razor to my head two months ago. 

"I just shaved two months ago, mum." I whined, putting my stuff in the living room. The house was still as clean as I remembered. Until, you know, I trashed it up or something. 

"How was America?" Phoebe asked, laying down on the couch. I smiled and leaned over to my bag.

"I brought you all back something, actually. Here," I said, handing a small box to my mom. "And you," I handed a small bag to Daisy, "And for Phoebe." I said, handing her the biggest box of all. They all started opening the presents up. My mom was surprised to see a small diamond keychain. She had always wanted to visit Vegas, so I bought her a keychain instead. I got Daisy a bag of Vanilla Coke. She had one opened already and was chugging it down. Phoebe was hesitent at first, then ripped it right open. 

"Louis!" She screamed, hugging me. Yes, I did get her an autographed picture of Big Time Rush. She was a huge fan, and I decided she would've liked it. I sighed and layed back on the soft carpet. Even in mid summer, it was a bit chilly in the house. I got up and carried everything to my room. It was different. My bed was on the far corner against the wall, my dresser was in several pieces throughout the room, and there were a lot of boxes everywhere. 

"Mum!" I yelled. My mother came in and looked at me confused. "What happened to my room?"

"Oh, we were going to remodel it, but you had to come home to find a girlfriend." She sighed.

"You know I am 21, I can decide things on my own." I complained, putting my stuff down.

"Still my house." she pointed out, walking out. I groaned loudly and started rearranging my room back to order. I kept mumbling to myself until I heard Phoebe walk in.

"Hey, bro." She said, picking up one of the drawers that were scattered. I took it from her hands and put it back. "So, did you hear about the fair in town?"

"Nah, just got back. Why? Want to go?" I asked, unzipping my suitcase.

"Well, for old time's sake. We haven't gone out in a while and I just wanna hang out with you." she explained. This was probably why we got along so well. She was a little me. I smiled and nodded. "Great! I'll meet you in the car in ten minutes!" She yelled, dropping the drawer and running off. Ten minutes! I can even shower that fast!

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