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G- so care to explain now
C- we're a couple
Dana- actual couple
C- yes
Dav- when did it happen
C- yesterday morning but I spent all day with her cuddling with her and watching movies so I didn't think to grab my phone and tell you guys as it looks like I should've
G- or you could've at least called her babe or something when you tried to stop her you might've had a little more luck
C- it's possible
Dal- so what are you going to do
C- I don't know I mean I didn't think she'd even be this bothered but I was clearly wrong
W- you think
Dana- do you even have any idea where she left to
C- either her house or went to see her friends but I have no clue where her house is at and I have no way to get in touch with her friends
G- so you're stuck sitting here waiting til she gets back
C- yeah pretty much
G- then make this place something
C- what do you mean
G- I don't know either get candles or go buy flowers or something but make her be happy the second she steps through the door
C- this morning she wanted to surprise me with breakfast like making it herself but we need to go grocery shopping. Maybe I can make dinner for her maybe that could do something
Dal- it's worth a shot
G- and we'll help you so go get dressed so we can go to the store
C- got it
I ran up to get dressed and soon enough we were at the store deciding on what to get. I hope this works

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