spending time together

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La-so throughout all this talking I still don't know what brought you here
C- I found my girlfriend cheating on me and my friends decided we should come out here to blow off the steam from it all
La- I'm so sorry she cheated on you but can I may I say she made the stupidest mistake
C- oh yeah
La- mhmm but I guess her mistake is my win cause if that didn't happen then I wouldn't be talking to you
C- this is true
I don't know if it's the alcohol or the way he looked at me after that but I giggled yet again.
C- and she giggles again
C- don't be it's quite adorable
La- really
C- mhmm now would you like to go somewhere else possibly
La- depends where were going
C- search for food cause I don't know about you but I'm getting very hungry
La- sounds good
We got up and I almost fell but he caught me and I felt my face heat up in embarrassment but he just smiled and held my hand as we walked around looking at was open and not much was.
C- I have an idea but I'm not sure if you'll be up for it
La- tell me and we'll see
C- order room service and maybe drink some more
La- we'd have to do that in your room
C- would that be ok with you
He led us over to the elevator and on the walk over there I looked around and didn't see any of the girls anywhere I seriously wonder where they went. We got to his room and I sat down and he got the menu and we looked it over and picked food and a lot of alcohol and it arrived quickly but once the food was gone we were only focused on drinking again and I reached levels or drunk that I've never been. As I was trying to wrap my head around everything he kissed me and I didn't stop at all instead I kissed him back. Hopefully I won't regret this in the morning

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