lunch with mom

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Laurens pov
I can't believe I did that I can't believe I just cheated on Richie. We may have been arguing a lot due to Cole but still I can't hurt him like this im not a cheater. When we were both awake we got ready then we left back to his house.
La- can I please go home
C- I thought you wanted this divorce
La- I do
C- then if you want it so badly I'd think you'd actually do what the judge says
La- oh my god Cole I'll be back tomorrow I just need to be away from you for a bit
C- fine but before you leave I want you to remember what you agreed to yesterday
La- the ring
C- mhmm I want the ring on you the whole time
La- fine
I went up to my room and slid the ring on and then headed out the door. When I got to the house I went and immediately talked with my mom and asked her if we could go get food cause that's where we always seem to have deep conversations.  She agreed and now here we sit at Nikkos.
Jan- so what's going on
La- I met Coles parents Thursday night and then the next day we left to his sister's retreat so I met her and her fiance as well and I don't know if being there being caught up in the act of being his girlfriend or what but I seem to be falling for him more and more and well me and him kissed last night mom I cheated on Richie
Jan- wow well that's a lot to take in and I'm sorry it came down to you cheating on him but may I say that I don't think you were just caught up in the act
La- how can you be so sure
Jan- I know you sweetie I know if you didn't like Cole you wouldn't have kissed him and you wouldn't be wearing the ring
La- he wanted me to wear it
Jan- did he ask before or after the kiss
La- before
Jan- so you already agreed before the kiss
La-yeah why
Jan- it's just I was going to say maybe you're wearing it out of guilt but the fact that you agreed and still wore it after it all happened proves you care about him and what he wants
La- well I do
Jan - how does he feel about you
La- he says he cares and he says he likes me and that deep down I know he deserves me not Richie
Jan- wow
La- yeah but after all I dealt with I can't exactly be at that house or around him at all for that matter
Jan-  I completely understand
La- so is it ok I stay at the house tonight
Jan- of course
La- yay
We talked a little more and ate then headed back to the house where I locked myself in my room listening to music and thinking about the whole situation til I ended up falling asleep for a nap.

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