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Laurens pov
I have now clue why I agreed to this this is going to be so weird. I shook the thoughts away and went up to my room and showered and then got ready. I threw on a navy blue dress and black heels then curled my hair a little and put eyeliner on and I was done. If I'm going to pretend to be his girl I need to look the part. Once I was done I walked out to the living room and saw Cole pacing back and forth.
La- I told you I'll help you so relax
C- I just feel weird lying to them
La- well do you want to tell the truth and deal with the outburst from them
C- no it's just I'm very close to them I don't lie to them so I don't know how it will go tonight
La- do you trust me
C- kinda
La- then relax tonight will be fine
C- if you say so
Before I could say anything else there was a knock on the door and Cole walked over and answered it while I stood back where we were.
C- hi momma you look beautiful
I watched them hug and she kissed his cheek and then he said hi to his dad then their focus was on me.
MrsP- so this is your new girl
C- yes this is Lauren
La - it's nice to meet you
Penderys- nice to meet you too
They shook my hand and then his mom immediately went to the kitchen and Cole and his dad sat down on the couch getting lost in a conversation so I went to the kitchen.
La- do you need any help
MrsP- thank you for the offer but no I got it under control but can you hang in here id love to get to know you
I sat down at the seats by the counter as she asked me questions about myself and asked how long me and Cole have been together cause last she knew he was single.
La- almost a month
MrsP- really so right after his break up with Brooke
La- yes ma'am
Well shit I didn't know she knew how long ago they broke up.
MrsP- and this is a sincere relationship it's not just a rebound thing
C- mom
I looked behind me and saw Cole walking over to me.
MrsP- I'm just saying with the timing it could be questionable
C- ever hear of love at first sight mom
MrsP- oh I um I didn't think about that I'm sorry I'm sorry to the both of you
La- it's ok it was an honest mistake
MrsP- I'm glad you understand now Cole do you forgive me
C- of course momma
I smiled at the way they are together and he caught that and leaned down and kissed me. I didn't agree to kissing but damn it he really is a good kisser. When he pulled away his mom awed at us and I couldn't help but blush a little
MrsP- so what brought you in here anyways Cole I thought you were hanging with your dad you interrupted our girl talk
C- I was checking on her and I was going to get me and dad something to drink
MrsP- ohhh
He kissed me again and then walked over to the fridge to get drinks then walked back to the living room and me and his mom kept talking til dinner was ready. And at that point his dad asked me questions and thankfully they were different from what his mom asked. Then the night ended with watching one of the star wars movies which was nice and I was cuddled up with Cole the whole time. Eventually his parents left and I immediately went off on Cole
La- what the hell was that
C- what do you mean you agreed to pretend with me
La- yeah and that didn't mean we had to kiss
C- well maybe you should ask questions before you agree to things
La- ugh you're so annoying
C- now don't be like that cause guess what I know you enjoyed the kiss and the cuddles so don't even lie
I rolled my eyes and he smirked
C- goodnight Mrs pendery
He laughed as he walked away to his room and my anger just doubled but I just went to my room and decided to listen to music till I fell asleep simply because I didn't want to deal with him anymore tonight.

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