
15 1 0

Laurens pov
I was laying in my room thinking of everything that was said today both from the girls and what Cole said and then there was a knock on the door.
La- come in
C- hey Lauren I need to talk to you about something real quick
La- alright what's up
C- so I know you helped me out with my parents last night but I completely forgot the whole reason behind them being in town
La- oookk
C- my sister has her retreat thing this weekend and I forgot about it and my mom was going to talk to me about it last night but she was caught up getting to know you she forgot to remind me
La- I see
C- and well the point to all this is I'm supposed to bring you with me to the retreat
La- coleeee
C- pleaseeeee
La- whyyyy
C- my mom wants you to come alright so if you're not going to do it for me do it for her cause you seemed to enjoy talking to her last night
La- I did
C- then will you please go
La- fine
C- thank you
He told me to pack and make sure I have some dresses and such and I did and soon enough we were on the road. Hopefully I don't regret this

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