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Coles pov
After talking to gabe about it all we went out and it wasn't hard to work my charm to win a girl over and talk her into going on a date with me tonight. When I got home I was happy to see him gone and I was all ready to brag about my date but then when she told me she had one I couldn't think straight. I eventually got the message across just not how I had planned. I went to my room and got ready and when i walked back out I passed Laurens room on the way down to the living room just as she opened it and she looked amazing.
La- why don't you take a picture it will last longer
C- you don't look that good
La- then pick your chin up
C- shut up
She giggled and walked to the living room just in time for a knock on the door and of course it was him.
Richie- you look amazing
La- thank you you look really good
Richie- why thank you
I couldn't help but act like I was barfing
La- what's your issue
C- sorry but I don't care for hearing how great the other is it's cutesy and disgusting
Richie- then don't eavesdrop
C- was I talking to you
Richie- do I care
I growled in response and took a step towards him and he stepped forward as well but Lauren placed her hand on his chest and he looked down at her and then they left. Shortly after I left and picked up my date Allie
A- hi
C- hello you look beautiful
A- why thank you
C- ready to go
A- mhmm
I led her to the car and helped her with the door and then drove to the restaurant watching as she danced along to the songs from the radio. It was cute but I couldn't keep my mind off Lauren. Even while we ate and talking to Allie getting to know her likes and dislikes about everything I still thought back to Lauren and how he doesn't deserve to be on the date with her. She's my wife after all I deserve to be on that date not him and clearly he has anger issues which could be a problem
A- am I annoying you
C- no no sorry I just have a lot on my mind that's all
A- well would you like to talk about it cause maybe I can help
C- not something I can really talk about
A- oh ok
C- sorry but thanks for the offer
A- you're welcome
We talked a little longer then I took her home and I kissed her but I felt nothing.
C- goodnight
A- goodnight
I walked back to my car and ready to drive home. Hopefully Laurens date went as bad as mine did.

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