games begin

14 1 0

Coles pov
I was sitting on the couch watching tv when Lauren walked in with this guy and I immediately got pissed off.
C- who's this
La- this is Richie
C- I see
Richie - and you are
La- he's my
C- husband
Richie - I'm sorry but husband you're married
La-  technically yes but it was a drunken mistake in Vegas and the judge won't grant us a divorce
Richie- hmm
La- if it was up to me id be completely free
Richie- I wish you were
C- I'm still right here you know
La- I still don't care you know come on Richie
She took him with her back to her room and closed the door in the process and I couldn't help but think about them possibly kissing in there or more. The more I thought the more mad I got so only one thing to do and that's leave. I grabbed my keys and headed over to gabes house.
G- hey man why so angry looking
C- cause that girl is pissing me off
G- how so
C- she brought a guy home and they were locked away in her room when I left like how could she do that when I told her earlier I didn't want her around guys with how she was dressed
G- looks like you answered that yourself
C- what do you mean
G- I mean you told her you didn't want her around a guy so of course she went and found a guy to piss you off
C- so you think she's using him
G- most likely
C- interesting
G- what
C- let's just say let the games begin

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