interesting relationship

18 2 2

Laurens pov
C- awesome
La- don't make me regret this decision now
C- I won't I promise and if I do anything stupid I'll kiss you and make you forget
La- sure are confident aren't you
C- it's gotten me this far hasn't it
I looked at him and he started wiggling his eyebrows at me causing me to laugh and him soon after.
La-so now that we are actually a couple do you ever plan to tell your family the truth
C- I don't know I mean they deserve to know the truth and I already knew that but why tell them when it would make no difference
La- true
C- so I don't know I'll think about telling them at least
La- good
He just looked at me and raised his eyebrow and I took the opportunity and leaned over and kissed him. He must've been taken back a little cause it took a few for him to kiss me back and once he did I pulled away.
C- why did you pull away
La- why did you take forever to kiss me back
C- I don't know honestly
La- well I pulled away quick since you wanted to take forever
C- that's not fair
La- oh well
C- you won't win I hope you realize that
La- oh really and what are you going to do
He didn't say anything but he was smirking at me and I could already feel myself grow nervous. Just as I was about to just get up since he still hasn't done anything he changed that by tickling my side's making me giggle and squirm around
C- aww is my baby ticklish
La- yes she is please stop
C- now that wouldn't be fun
He kept up the torture and I needed him to stop cause my begging wasn't working so I went to my last resort and I started to dig my nails into his thigh since it was within reach
C- ok ok I'm done
La- good and I'm sorry about possibly hurting you by doing that
C- no I just wasn't ready for that but next time how about you do that to my back
La- if I couldn't reach it this time what makes you think I'll be able to during the next tickle attack
C- I never said it'd be while I tickle you
I looked at him confused then it clicked with me and I gasped and he started laughing
La- you're dirty
C- I can be and you'll get better at catching on don t worry
I giggled then snuggled up to him and we went back to watching tv. This is going to be an interesting relationship I can already tell.

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