Chapter 2

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“A broken heart is the worst. It’s like having broken ribs. Nobody can see it, but it hurts every time you breathe.”


I wasn't sure how long he left me down here but I was becoming deranged staying within these four walls. My lycan was itching to be freed. We didn't like to be captured and imprisoned. I haven't seen him. I haven't heard him. I wanted to strangle his thick neck and at the same time wanted to kiss him senseless. Ten years and I was still seriously obsessing over him. No man ever got under my skin like Malcolm.

I don't know what he wanted to do with me but I can see the anger lingers behind those dark blue irises. He wasn't the Malcolm I knew. Malcolm never once threw me a malicious look until now. I smelled like a filthy piece of garbage sitting in his rotting dungeon. It was damp and cold. I screamed at the top of my lungs but no one came to release me. Only time I saw someone was when a guard was bringing me food and I foolishly turned them away.


Call me foolish but I wanted his attention.

I couldn't tell if it was morning or night. There were no windows. Dim lights lit the dungeon but barely visible. I heard the sound of the metal lock shifting. Someone was coming. I scrambled to my feet and hurried over to see.

I couldn't make out the person until they neared me. It was Damon. Ten years and he still looked the same, not a single scratch on his body.

"Damon." My voice came out hoarse from lack of water. I knew I was killing myself from refusing any kind of replenishment.

"Izzy, you need to eat."

It was then I noticed the tray of food in his hands. I shook my head and gave him a pleading look.

"Please let me out of here."

"I can't. Malcolm will have my head." He replied with a great amount of remorse.

"I can't do this, Damon. I can't stay in here any longer."

He ignored my pleas but instead shoved the tray under the heavily caged door. I looked at the food with a great amount of hunger but pushed it back out.

"Then leave and take your food with you." I demanded stubbornly and moved away from the door. I walked weakly back to the dirty bed and laid in it. Staring up at complete darkness, I felt defeat wash over me.

He doesn't need to know.

It was a mistake to cross this territory but I didn't have a choice. Gregory wouldn't leave me alone. The chase was a thrill to him. I knew the only way to get rid of him was going onto a pack of lycans' territory. He wouldn't have the guts to cross then.

I heard Damon sigh before lifting the tray and his retreating footsteps.

After I left Malcolm ten years ago, I ran as far away as I can from him. I found myself in America where I met Gregory. At first, he was nice to take me in but then five years later he showed me a side of him that had me sick. He used me as his pet, beat me until I was a bloody mess. It was then I snapped and left. I have been running for ten years from the demons of my past. So, Malcolm's territory was my last resort. I was getting so tired.

I curled up into a ball in the dirty cot. My eyes fluttering close from exhaustion and lack of nourishment. I allowed darkness to succumb my being.

I dreamt about him. I dreamt about his warm body touching mine. I dreamt about his gentle hands. It helped ease the pain and hunger. I dreamt that I never left him and that we were happily together. He had marked me like he had asked the night before I left him.

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